Conception (The Wellingtons #4) - Tessa Teevan Page 0,49

accelerate Knox’s movements as he drives into me, wild and frenzied.

I’m done for as the crest of my orgasm sends pulsating sensations throughout my body in a toe-curling climax that has every nerve ending tingling with sweet satisfaction. My walls contract around him, and with two more quick thrusts, he erupts, and I milk out every single drop as he falls down on my chest, panting heavily as he presses a quick succession of kisses all over my skin.

As we both catch our breaths, I start to come back to reality, and I’m suddenly aware of my surroundings. I’m in a blissful haze, and I could lie here for hours cuddled up with our chests pressed together.

Hours? I could do this for the whole summer.

Knox’s hand rests on the back of my neck, our foreheads connected, his eyes delirious and penetrating.

“You need to promise me something, babe,” he growls.

“Mmm. What’s that?” Because at present moment, I’m liable to promise him anything he wants.

“Next time, it’s my turn to eat.”

I’m sated. Utterly spent. Completely fulfilled—whether that’s from finally orgasming for the first time in months from male penetration or the size of Knox’s package, I’m not sure, nor do I care. Because wow.

Yet the itch has barely been scratched. I hate thinking that this thing has an expiration date. But it’s something I have to remember. It’s the reminder I need to not let my heart get involved, to just have fun, enjoy the summer, and when it ends, it ends.

Something tells me it’s not going to be that easy.

Knox’s fingers trail along the column of my spine, eliciting shivers and goose bumps pebbling across my skin. I toy with a tuft of hair on his chest.

After the first night when Knox left me breathless at my doorstep, I figured we’d be pretty hot and heavy early on. Never did I expect that he’d bide his time. In hindsight, a week wasn’t too crazy, but when you’ve only got three months, you need to start as soon as possible.

Except he didn’t do anything. Sure, he kissed me—long, lingering, heated kisses. I kept expecting them to get deeper, for him to do something, but he didn’t. I started getting a complex.

Now? I realize that it was totally worth the wait. I just can’t wait to see what happens when he takes the reins completely.

“What are you thinking?” Knox asks, his sleepy eyes on me.

“Honestly? I’m thinking about not leaving this room for the next three months.”

His chest rumbles with silent laughter. “Something tells me Sunny would come looking if you did that.”

“No doubt about it.”

He must see the apprehension I suddenly feel, because his fingers pause. “Hey. What’s that look for?”

“It’s nothing. Well, okay, it’s something. Now, don’t go getting all cocky, but that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had. How the hell am I supposed to give that up at the end of the summer?”

Even though I’m trying to be playful, Knox’s lips curve down into a frown. “’Melia…”

I place a hand on his chest and rise to look down at him. “Knox, I don’t mean anything by it. I promise. Just admiring your prowess—that’s all.”

I’m relieved when his frown fades.

“You said you’re not a virgin,” he says. “Tell me about your first time.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Really? You want to go there? Right now?”

“Or I can go first,” he offers, but yeah, I don’t really care to hear about the other woman he’s been with.

Resting my head against his chest, I play with his fingers while I tell him the same thing I told Sunny about Robert—who coincidently was my first. I should’ve known when he made it into an epic, romantic gesture—straight down to candles, Luther Vandross, and rose petals on the bed—that his idea of our relationship and mine weren’t jiving. But at the time, I clung to him in an unhealthy way. I’m not proud of it, but there’s nothing I can do to change it now.

“It’s weird, ya know? All my life I’ve heard about saving yourself for your husband and that you’ll never get your first time back. About how special it is, blah blah blah. I’m not saying it was terrible. Not at all. Nor was the subsequent sex afterwards. It just… Whew. It wasn’t this.”

Knox grunts. “So what happened between you guys? Why’d things end?”

I’m not really sure why he’s so interested in this part of my past, but I have no shame when it comes to the truth. Hell, maybe Knox Copyright 2016 - 2024