Conception (The Wellingtons #4) - Tessa Teevan Page 0,32

know we won’t have to do the “will he/won’t he kiss me” charade.

“Girl, you two looked too hot for words!” Sunny exclaims, falling onto my bed, clutching her hands to her heart. She’s practically gushing, which is what I want to do, too. “You made me want to jump Joe right there and we already had sex this afternoon.”

I sigh, because now that the cat has been let out of the bag that the two of them are a thing, I have a terrible feeling I’m going to know every intimate detail about their relationship before the summer is over. Or, well, knowing Sunny, I’ll know it all by the end of the week. Instead of protesting yet again, I ignore that part.

“In case you haven’t noticed, there is a heat wave going on,” I tell her, pretending not to be fazed—when I’m so fazed that it’s like I’ve been hit by one of those Star Wars gun thingies. “Sweat happens, you know.”

She knows me too well and her answering eye roll tells me she doesn’t believe a single iota of my aloofness. “It’s been less than twenty-four hours since you met the guy and he’s already got your knickers all twisted.”

“My knickers are not twisted. And even if they were, aren’t you the one who encouraged me to pursue him? Aren’t you the one who told me to wear that bathing suit so the guy wouldn’t know what hit him?”

She grins mischievously, rubbing her fingertips together like some evil mastermind. “The one and only. And it worked brilliantly, just like I said, did it not? Course it kinda worked on you both. Well done, sister. The way you ran after him and leapt on him one last time?” She brings the tips of her thumb and fingers to her lips in a chef’s kiss. “Perfection. I could practically see the drool running down his chin. So, what do you think? Are you going to sleep with him tonight?”

I gape at her. She’s just lying there on my bed as if she just asked me if I plan on making the guy a ham sandwich. “Like you just said, I haven’t even known the guy for twenty-four hours. I certainly hadn’t planned on mauling him on the beach. Must’ve been the heat.”

Sunny shrugs and waves my excuse off. “So? You’re attracted to him. He’s obviously wildly into you. Heat, schmeat. You’re two young, unattached…” She pauses. “Wait, do we know he doesn’t have a girlfriend back home?”

I nod. “He mentioned last night that he recently went through a breakup from a long-term relationship. He also mentioned he wasn’t looking for anything serious.”

“That’s right. I totally forgot about that. Well, gotta give him props for honesty.”

“True. Better to know ahead of time it’s just a fling than letting my heart get involved.”

“Precisely. Plus, you said yourself last night that you weren’t ready to settle down. The way I see it, this is a perfect situation for everyone.”

She’s right. I know it, deep down I find myself wishing this didn’t have an expiration date before it even begins.

Which is silly, because yeah, I’ve known the guy for way too short of a time to even be thinking of hitching my wagon to him.

I push the thought out of my head and smile at her. “Since you did so well with the suit today, how about I give you carte blanche to get me ready for my date tonight?”

She looks at her watch then back at me before hopping up and clapping her hands. “I have forty-five minutes before I have to be at work.” She points at my hair. “I just need to know if we’re going for ‘screw me senseless in the back seat while a serial killer is on the loose’ or ‘feel free to get a little touchy-feely, but let’s keep the penis away until I’m ready to play’ kind of look.”

“Sunny, has anyone ever told you that you have such a way with words?” I tease.

She waves a hand. “Oh, honey, Joe tells me that all the time.”

I should’ve known better than to ask.

Sunny’s been gone for twenty minutes, and I’ve paced back and forth through the house the entire time, stopping occasionally to check my look in the mirror. I decided for her to put me somewhere between the two ends of the spectrum she’d so eloquently provided earlier, and as each moment passes, I’m worried the look is less sexy and more in the trying-too-hard category. Copyright 2016 - 2024