Conception (The Wellingtons #4) - Tessa Teevan Page 0,142

rest of us, but looking this stuff up wouldn’t be that much different than when Charlie decides her headache means she has a brain tumor thanks to Google.”

“I fucking hate it when you’re right.”

Branson hooks an arm around Cohen’s shoulders. “You two are young. It’s nothing you have to decide now. Go to the doctor to figure everything out. If you change your mind, you’ll be one step closer to making it happen. If you don’t, at least Andi’s all sorted out. Seems to me you can’t go wrong here. Trust me, bro. You wanna get those hormones balanced.”

Cohen’s brow furrows. “I am a doctor, you know.”

“Sage advice,” I tell Branson, ignoring our little bro.

“I’ve had time to think about it,” Cohen says. “Not to mention conversations with Ari. What I just said? That was pretty much all her.”

“Speaking of, Cohen, you told Branson and not me?” I tease.

“Ari saw Andi coming out of her OB/GYN’s office and mentioned it to Branson. Who then asked me. I couldn’t lie. Hell, you know how nosy this family can be.”

Just as Branson’s about to retort, the sound of spoons against champagne flutes floats through the warm summer air.

“Saved by the bell,” Cohen mutters. He starts to move away, stopping when I place a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey. We’re here for you. Whether you want to talk about it or just drink it away. We got you, brother.”

Branson echoes my sentiments.

“I know. And thanks. Love you assholes.”

And just like that, we’re back to normal.

After Branson’s toast filled with anecdotes from our childhood and Dad in the office, I start to sweat. I’m not one for speeches, but Dad deserves this. And I want to give it to him.

“Thank you all for coming to celebrate our dad with us. I hope you enjoy the party!” Branson’s about to pass the microphone off to the maestro when I hop up onto stage.

“Hold up. Can I have the mic for a second?”

Branson raises an eyebrow in my direction but shrugs as I walk towards him. “You, making a speech?” he asks as he hands me the mic

I shrug back. “I’ve been known to do it once or twice. Only when it really matters.”

“You’re actually doing this in public?” he questions.

“Should I not? Are you having second thoughts?”

Branson barely lets the words get through before he wraps me up in big bro bear hug. “Knox, I couldn’t think of anything better. I’m so fucking proud of you.”

Damn him.

“Branson, I know I’ve never said this…” I trail off, wanting to say the words that just won’t come out of my damn mouth. “But I, uh…”

He slaps a hand on my shoulder. I look up and, for the first time in forever, realize I’m practically staring in a mirror. “I know, Knox. I fucking love you, too.”

Blowing out a breath of air, I run my free hand over my freshly buzzed hair. “Uh. Pretty sure you all know me,” I say into the mic toward the crowd. “I may not be as dapper or articulate as Branson, but I think I can hold my own.”

Damn, there are a lot of people here. It’s warming to know that my dad has so many who care about him. Hell, even my best friends and their families are here. Over the past five years, we’ve all entwined in each other lives in such a way that I don’t think we’ll ever not be family, even if we aren’t all blood. And I fucking love it.

“Before I begin, I have to give props to my mom. It couldn’t have been easy raising three boys who were the spitting image of their stubborn father…”

“Hey!” Cohen shouts from somewhere in the crowd. Chuckles echo around him because everyone knows Cohen’s only stubborn when it comes to his wife.

“Okay, two stubborn boys and one who was constantly bringing injured animals home so he could try to tend to their wounds. And thank god for it, because Cohen, you probably saved Dad’s life. So, thanks to you, little bro. You’re a pain in my ass, but I love you.”

A round of awwws forces me to clear my throat and take a drink of the champagne Branson hands me.

“I also have to thank my wife, Charlie. Most of you know the dirty, gritty details of what happened, so I don’t need to get into here. I spent ten years outside of the family fold, and to be honest, I never thought I’d really be part of the Wellingtons Copyright 2016 - 2024