Coming Home to Seashell Harbor (Seashell Harbor #1) - Miranda Liasson Page 0,78

does attract attention,” she said.

“You’re going to forget all about that when you feel that sea breeze flying through your hair.” And then he started the car with a little jolt. “Hold on to your sunbonnet, sugar.”

“Call me sugar again and you’re going to be wearing it yourself.” She gripped the brim of her hat against the breeze.

He grinned. “Noted.”

He drove out past the marina, following the shoreline until he pulled onto an out-of-the way road he hadn’t driven for a long time.

Her eyes grew wide. “You’re taking me to the Crab Shack?” They pulled into the familiar parking lot, memories from their favorite teenage hangout flooding him. He didn’t miss the excitement in her voice, and he hoped what he was about to do would make her happy.

“It’s empty,” she said, noting that the squat, square little building was vacant, the blinds drawn, and the parking lot abandoned, weeds growing through the cracks in the pavement. “Where is everyone?”

“The Millers are moving to Florida.”

“Oh no!” she said. “I’ve been so busy since I’ve been back, I haven’t thought of this place. But I can’t imagine it not being here.”

“Best crab burgers on the East Coast.”

“And best jalapeño poppers. Not to mention the crazy Christmas lights they used to put up, remember?” He gave a smile at that. “Bob and Marilyn. Are they okay?”

“They’re fine.” He pulled out of the parking lot and continued a short way up the winding road. “Just ready to move south to be closer to their grandchildren.”

At a bend in the road, Cam turned into the driveway of a picturesque Tudor-style cottage.

Hadley gasped. “I’d forgotten all about this place. But why are we at Bob and Marilyn’s house?”

“You’ll see.” The property sloped down to a little bluff overlooking the ocean, complete with a winding stone path and wild roses blooming everywhere. When he ran to open the door for Hadley, she hesitated, her expression wary. But he held out his hand, lifting a brow as if to say, Why not?

Finally, she took it. A small victory. As they walked together to the house, the door opened and a gray-haired couple greeted them.

“Order’s ready,” Bob said, carrying a basket. “Can I put it in your car?”

“I can get that.” Cam took it from him. “It’s enough you got it ready for us.”

“For you, we have curbside pickup.” Marilyn came right up and hugged Cam. “We’re so glad you’re back, Anthony. Makes us sad about leaving.” Then she engulfed Hadley in a hug too. “Hadley! I’m so glad you’ve come home too.”

“Mrs. Miller,” she said. “Great to see you.”

“My good friend Gladys just fostered an older dog for Ivy, and it’s a match made in heaven. Oh, and I see you and Cam have found each other again.” She clapped her hands together. “That’s so wonderful!”

Bob put a hand on his wife’s arm. “We should let them get to their picnic.”

“I really appreciate you doing this for us,” Cam said, surveying the house. “Find a buyer yet?”

Bob and Marilyn exchanged glances. “We were lucky to find one,” Bob finally said.

“Then that’s a good thing?” Cam asked.

“The buyer we found is going to tear down the Shack and level the house,” Marilyn said. “They’re going to build some modern monstrosity for the view.”

“Level this house?” Hadley asked, looking around at the quaint stone exterior, the window boxes brimming with flowers, and the petunias growing in riots, spilling all over the walkway.

“I don’t mind them leveling the Shack,” Marilyn said, “but the house…it’s over a hundred years old.”

“It’s a piece of history,” Cam agreed. It made him sad to think of such a beautiful old property getting torn down on a whim.

Bob couldn’t suppress a heavy sigh. “We’re not very happy about it, but we’re ready to retire and it’s a good offer.”

“I’m so sorry,” Hadley said.

“We’re excited about the next phase of our life.” Bob placed an arm around his wife. “We want to have some sunshine in the winter. And play with our grandkids. So don’t feel too badly for us.”

Marilyn smiled at her husband and turned to Cam. “Anthony, we can’t thank you enough for calling us. It was a pleasure to make up a picnic lunch for you.”

“I don’t know what Seashell Harbor will be without your crab burgers,” Cam said as they headed to the car. “Would you mind if we parked in the Crab Shack lot for a while? I thought we might follow the old trail down to the beach.”

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