Coming Home to Seashell Harbor (Seashell Harbor #1) - Miranda Liasson Page 0,16

months now. They started calling themselves a fancy-schmancy dog hotel and advertising like crazy and poof! There went my business.” She gave a heavy sigh. “Televisions and soothing classical music in dog rooms! Dog massages! Ridiculous.”

“Gran, I can fix this,” Hadley said. “Besides, you’re the town’s top citizen. You chair a hundred committees and volunteer for everything. We can get your business back.”

Hadley flicked her hand in a no-big-deal gesture, but in reality she was worried.

“I’m so embarrassed,” her grandmother said. “I’ve never lost a dog before. Maybe your parents are right. It’s time to give it up. I’m too old.”

Before Hadley could respond, someone called out from the hallway. “Hey there, Maddy. Where can I put these?”

The man standing in the doorway held a huge bouquet of flowers—giant fluffy white hydrangeas, daisies, black-eyed Susans. Judging by the muscular, jean-clad thighs beneath the floral arrangement, it was Tony. Or rather Cam. She was not going to call him Tony.

Was that weird, Hadley wondered, that she knew him by his powerful thighs?

“I picked these from your garden,” he said.

Oh my. She pushed aside a sudden image of a big burly man full of muscle picking posies and had to admit it was a little…charming. But then she came to her senses, instead wondering, Why was Cam visiting again? Bringing flowers and sending arrangements. How had he insinuated himself so thoroughly into her good graces?

He handed her grandma a box of chocolates—the good kind, from the gourmet chocolate shop downtown.

“Oh, Cam, you’re such a dear,” her grandmother said. “Flowers and chocolates. And my favorite magazine!”

Hadley didn’t have to look hard to see it was WE magazine. Yet another scandal sheet. “Gran, don’t read that. That one always says terrible things about me.”

“I need to keep up with the gossip,” her grandmother said, already flipping through the pages. “So I know how to defend you.”

“You don’t need to defend me,” Hadley said, a little irritated. “I don’t care what people say.”

“At least the photos are flattering this time,” Cam said.

“Go ahead and joke,” Hadley said. The Crown Royal thing had been an accident. She was normally in complete control of her image.

“Oh, dear,” her grandmother said. “This one’s got Cam in it.”


Hadley was secretly pleased to see his sudden look of alarm. Color crept up his neck, visible despite his tan. “What are they saying about me?”

“It says you’ll never play football again, and so you’re drowning your sorrows with expensive vacations and lots of young women in teeny bikinis.”

Hadley tapped her finger against her lips. “Hmm. So they do tell the truth sometimes.”

“Actually…” Cam cleared his throat, his gaze darting over to Hadley. “I’ve been here working for my dad. No Caribbean vacations for me.”

“You aren’t going steady with anyone now, Anthony, are you?” Gran asked, wearing her matchmaking face.

He had the decency to turn redder. “No, ma’am. But I’m not looking for a girlfriend,” he added hurriedly.

“Hmm,” Gran said. “That’s so interesting, because Hadley happens to be free as well. What a coincidence.”

“I’m definitely not looking for a boyfriend.” She couldn’t say the words fast enough.

Her grandmother went on as though she hadn’t heard. “Now, isn’t it wonderful that you’re both back home for the whole summer? And in need of a fresh start. What a marvelous opportunity to get reacquainted. Rediscover that chemistry.”

“No chemistry,” they both said adamantly at the same time.

“Well, now that you both are here, I have something to say.” Ignoring their protests, her grandmother spoke in a surprisingly authoritative tone, much different from how weak she’d appeared when Hadley’s parents were in the room. She closed the magazine and folded her hands on top of it.

“Just tell him we can handle our business, Gran,” Hadley said, casting a nervous glance at Cam. “That there’s no need to sell.” Gran’s demeanor was giving her a sense of foreboding that sent her stomach churning.

“I’m still terribly upset about what happened,” Gran said, looking them both over. “And I’ve got to go to the rehab hospital, so I’m out of commission the rest of the summer. Maybe permanently.”

“I’m happy to take that old building off your hands, Maddy,” Cam said.

“I can take care of everything,” Hadley said at the same time. “There’s no need to—”

Gran crossed her arms, looking rather like a queen on her throne of a hospital bed. “Hush, both of you.” She cleared her throat and stuck out her chin at a defiant angle. “Cam, I know I told you to look the place over and Copyright 2016 - 2024