Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,83

are you nervous about? Last week when you went to the doctor she gave you a clean bill of health, said the babies are developing wonderfully and you even gained your weight back. You just need to continue taking you pre-natal vitamins and keep the stress level down.”

“I’ve been trying. It’s just that I’ve been thinking of Zaria and Zhaniya. Wondering how they and Essence are doing. I know that we had that big fall out, but I miss my cousin so much. I want her back in my life. I just don’t know if she wants me back in hers.” Shyla hunched up her shoulders. “That was the problem. She didn’t want Felton and Zackary to have any problem if we didn’t have a good relationship.”

“I’m sure that she misses you too. While Essence shouldn’t have said what she did-”

The rest of Kemah’s speech was cut off when the nurse called for Shyla.

“Miss Wilkes? Doctor Leone will see you now.”

Kemah helped Shyla up. They both laughed then followed the nurse in the back where she was weighed, vital signs taken and blood drawn. Then they waited for the doctor.

“How have you been this week, Shyla?”

“I’ve been doing pretty well.”

The doctor looked at Kemah for confirmation. She nodded her agreement.

“I’ve tried not to stress myself but I can feel myself leaning towards that way some days because I’m missing some of my family.” Kemah glided her hand up and down her back in a circular motion.

“I know it’s hard when you lose someone but you have to be strong and concentrate on bringing not one but two healthy babies into the world. No more crying, understood.” It wasn’t a question but an order.

“Understood?” She wanted to tell her that no one had passed away they were just away from her, separated.

“Now before we do this ultrasound, do we want to know the sex of the babies?”

“Yes!” Both Kemah and Shyla said in unison and then began to laugh.

“Okay here we go.” She placed the cold gel on her belly then took the wand and rubbed it across the lower part of her abdomen. “What do you and the father want?” Shyla didn’t answer. She didn’t see how she could. She just stared at the monitor. When the doctor looked to her for an answer she saw her reluctance and said nothing more about the children’s father.

“I think I would like two little boys. They would have each other to play with and share a room. They can do everything together.”

The doctor continued to move the wand around hoping that the babies would cooperate. She was able to see one but it was hard to see the other. Then that one started moving. They continued to watch the monitor closely.

“Is that what I think it is? Kemah asked, pointing to the monitor. “Both of them?”

“Yes. Shyla, looks like you’ll have your heart’s desire. You’re going to be the proud parent of two beautiful baby boys.”

She and Kemah both screamed.

“You got your wish sweetie.” Kemah kissed her cheek, and then turned back to the monitor. “Will you look at that?”

“Now, Shyla, you will have to take it easy for the next few months. There’s no danger but there is a lot to be cautious about. Most women, more than half that have multiple births don’t go the full term. If you do I’d be very surprised.

“The babies have developed very nicely and they are a little bigger than I would have anticipated, but their organs have to develop as well. If they come at thirty-six weeks that would be good because you will be just starting your ninth month but I want them to stay until at least thirty-eight weeks. Right now you’re at twenty two weeks.

“I don’t want to have to put you back on bed rest, but you know that I will,” she smiled. “So, just take it easy. If you insist on going back to work, four hours a day, 3 days a week is all I’m allowing you. If it gets too strenuous then you stop all together. Kemah, you make sure Shyla stick to my orders.”

“I will definitely make sure she follows orders.”

“Do either of you have any questions?”

They both shook their heads, no.

“Okay! Get dressed and I’ll give you a break this time. I want to see you back her in three weeks instead of one. If you have any problems before hand you make sure to page me and I’ll expect you over to the Copyright 2016 - 2024