Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,78

hand but she didn’t take it right away. She reached out and then pulled back and began to wring her hands together like she was nervous.

Zaria took her hand and placed it in her dad’s then kissed her cheek. “He won’t step on your feet. Tell her daddy.”

Zackary smiled and whispered. “I won’t step on your feet.”

Shyla shook her head. These two little girls were too much. They’d have them off and married if they had the time to plan it. She wasn’t so sure they hadn’t already.

Shyla stood and allowed Zackary to escort her to the middle of the dance floor. No words were said but Zackary knew that that’s where they were meant to be. It didn’t matter to Shyla though. She would not let this man get within twenty feet of her heart again.

“Shyla, I would like to apologize for the things I said yesterday.”

“I don’t want to hear any of this Zackary. I’m only dancing with you because that’s what the girls want. Not for any other reason than that.”

“Shyla we just can’t leave-”

She dropped her hands and stopped dancing. She had looked around at the tiny little faces that were like their dads, both smiling in their direction. She returned to the dancing position.

“Zackary I really don’t want to spoil this moment for the girls, so I would rather not discuss or hear anything about yesterday or today or anything that would ruin this for them. They wanted us to dance and that’s the only reason we are out here, for them.”

There was such finality to her statement. He nodded and when the song ended so did their dance. It’s a good thing too because Connie came up behind Shyla and tapped her on her shoulder. She was cutting in.

“He’s all yours.” She turned and walked away.

“Thanks.” Connie said, while wrapping her arms around Zackary’s neck.

Why had he gotten the feeling that Shyla meant that like she didn’t want him?

Zhaniya ran over to where the couple was dancing. She patted Connie on the leg and waited for her to acknowledge her. When she did she let her have it.

“Hey. You can’t dance with my daddy.” She pushed between the two of them.

“Niya! It’s okay sweetie.”

“But daddy-”

“I said it was okay. We can dance with everyone.” Zhaniya had tears in her eye.

“But Daddy.” His little girl was upset. This wasn’t good.

“Connie will you excuse me. I need to dance with my girls.”

“Sure. We’ll pick up on this later. Bye Zhaniya.”

She hid her face in her father’s pant leg.

Connie kissed Zackary on the lips wiped off the lipstick smudges and walked away.

Zackary picked up Zhaniya and danced with her in his arms. “What’s wrong cupcake? Why are you crying?”

She grabbed him by the face. “Daddy you’re only s’posed to dance with Shyla and me and Zaria and Gran V no one else.”

He tried to hide his smile. “Zhaniya it doesn’t work like that baby. When you have a party you can and should dance with everyone. It’s the polite thing to do.”

“But that’s not right daddy. You should only dance with the people you love. And you love me and Zaria and grandma and Miss Shyla. Is that right daddy? You love Miss Shyla too?”

Out of the mouths of babes, he thought. “Yes Cupcake. I do. But honey, Connie is my friend and I can dance with her too.”

“She made Miss Shyla sad, daddy. She made her stop dancing with you. I don’t like Miss Connie, daddy.”

“Zhaniya, Connie didn’t make anyone do anything and as far as you not liking her, you don’t have to but you do have to respect her. Do you understand me?”

“Yes daddy,” she pouted. “Can I go back and sit with Miss Shyla and Zaria, please?”

“You don’t want to dance with daddy anymore?”

“I’m tired and I need to go to the bathroom daddy.”

“Do you want me to take you?”

“No daddy. Miss Shyla can take me. She’s a girl.”

“Okay. I love you, Niya.”

“I love you too, daddy,” they kissed and hugged really big then he put her to her feet. She ran to Shyla with tears in her eyes. Shyla picked her up and kissed her forehead.

That use to be what he would do to her to smooth her fears. Now she wanted Shyla.

“Zaria, want to dance with daddy?” he asked.

“Yes.” She jumped into his arms and yelled, “Woohoo,” pumping her fist. Everyone laughed. This was the quiet twin. They danced through three songs.

“Daddy, are you sad?”

“No baby. What makes you think that?”

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