Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,71

coming from the bakery and asking her to go with her.”

“It’s definitely not her fault, so tell her not to think about it.”

“That’s easy enough to say but you know how Ven is. She’s very sensitive when it comes to things like this.”

“I know. I’ll talk to her tomorrow, if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind, it’s her that may mind.”

Zackary knew that to be true. Shyla had been there two days and everyone had taken to her including his kids. He’d have to work something out.

“We’re ready for dinner daddy.”

“Okay. Let’s get you at the table and then we’ll have dessert.”

When his children told him they were going to stay at their grandparents, he didn’t say no. He knew they only wanted to spend more time with Shyla. He wanted that also.

The twins snuck in the room where Shyla was sleeping and got in bed with her. When Mama V got up around one to check on her family, she couldn’t find them. She wouldn’t panic, they wouldn’t get far and there was no way they could open the front door or the back. And they wouldn’t dare go out the doggie door for fear of what happened the first and only time they tried it.

Big Zack told her to check Shyla’s room they would probably be in there. They were. Sound asleep, one on either side of her. Big Zack ran and got his camera. This would go into the family album, he told his wife. He had a hunch that even though things went badly yesterday all would be forgiven eventually. His granddaughters were going to have Shyla for their mother.

The night seemed to drag on for Zackary. It was morning before he fell asleep. He and Felton stayed up talking like they use to do when they shared a room in college.

“So how is Essence doing? I know today was terrible for her.”

“I finally got her to calm down enough to fall asleep. She was over exhausted. She’s devastated about Shyla. I told her it wasn’t good for the baby.”

Zackary eyes brightened. “So Mama V was right once again.”

“Yes. Once we get home she has an appointment awaiting her with her gynecologist.”

“You made her an appointment?”

“Damn right I did. When Mama V made that statement yesterday I called her doctor.”

Zackary laughed. “You are crazy man, but I feel you.” Gloria never wanted his help in that department. The only things she ever wanted were expensive gifts and money to supply her habit…shopping.

“If it were me I would have done the same thing. Nothings more important than getting the best pre-natal care for your woman and insuring that she bring a healthy baby into the world.” Zackary shook his head. What if Shyla was carrying his baby right now? He wouldn’t know how to act. He’d just hope she had enough concern to let him near his child.

“Thinking about what happened today?” Felton asked, dropping his head back on his chair.

“Actually, I’m thinking about what a complete ass I’ve been making of myself and how big a fool I’ve been lately. B. was right.”


“Gloria. She really did a job on me. I have some serious trust issues but I can’t blame this all on her. I am way too insecure in relationships, I guess. I want them to work out but then it’s like I’m sabotaging it or something. I trust Shyla, I do but it’s something in me that is looking for something to go wrong. I screwed up big time today, I knew it when I was yelling but it came full circle when I saw Braxton and Venice driving up. Just the look on their faces said I had signed my own death certificate.” He sat his beer bottle down on the coaster that graced one of his end tables.

“It seems you’re taking all the responsibility for what’s happened but don’t you think Shyla should share in the responsibility of this problem?”

“No and neither should you. I think you should search yourself and see what it is that you have against her. Shyla got back here the best way she could. Should she have waited for me to get there? It could have been hours. Hell, then I would have been mad because they left her.”

“You’re right. Shyla and my issues have been unsettling for far too long. I should act more like a brother than an evil step-father. I just hope she can forgive Essence. My wife is hurting pretty bad and my comforting Copyright 2016 - 2024