Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,67

the both of them.

“That was very nice of her, wasn’t it?”

“Miss Goldie is like that. She grew up with my mom and she’s been doing my clothes since I was a baby. She’s good.”

“No. Miss Goldie is great with a capital G.

“That she is. Your dress is fabulous. I wouldn’t be surprised if my little brother-in-law-to-be doesn’t let you out in that. I’m telling you he will be sticking to you like glue.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.”

“I’m so glad that he’s finally found someone that he can honestly, without hesitation, say that loves him in return.”

“I do love him. I’ve run from it long enough, I don’t want to run anymore. And his daughter’s, oh, they are angels.”

“Yes they are and they’ve really taken to you.”

“I wasn’t so sure how they would receive me but I am so glad that they like me. I fell in love with their pictures. I feel this closeness to them, like they belong to me.”

“They will in no time. Just love them and everything else will fall into place.” Shyla nodded. She finally believed that what she was feeling and what she had with Zackary was good.

Venice and Shyla walked over to the drugstore to retrieve the items that she needed and also went into the accessory store and grabbed a few items. The shoe store had just opened so they spent thirty minutes in their trying on shoes that would match their dresses. They both ended up with silver open-toed heels but different designs. Shyla was laughing at something Venice had previously said when she heard her utter, “What in the hell?”

“What’s the matter?” Shyla asked putting her bag on top of the car.

“Someone stole one of my tires.”

“You’ve got to be kidding?” Shyla said but Venice told her to come around and look. She did. “Who steals a damn tire in the middle of broad daylight?”

“Some random idiot, who has nothing better to do on a Saturday morning, I need to call Braxton.

She dialed the number waiting for him to pick up. He did on the third ring.

“Hey baby. Where are you?”

“I came to pick up my dress and some jerk stole one of my tires.”

“You’re joking.”

No, I’m not. Just ask Shyla. She’s here with me.” Braxton was laughing. “You’re laughing now but you just remember that you just paid twelve hundred dollars for these babies.” He sobered. “Yeah, I thought that might calm you down.

“Tell me exactly where you are.”

“We’re at The Fragrance Boutique on Carmel and Spruce.”

“I’m on my way, baby. Don’t move from that spot.”

“And risk the other tires being gone, not on my life. See you when you get here.”

“I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too. And let Zack know.” He agreed just before they hang up.

“What did he say?”

“That he’s on his way. He’s going to call Zack and let him know so he’ll be ready when he get over there and he’s going to let the folks know, on his way out. They should be here in less than thirty minutes.”

“Good. I still can’t believe my cell battery is dead. It must have died last night. I’m lucky that I carry my I.D. and bank card on me at all times. I wouldn’t have been able to buy anything.”

“Oh well. We’ll just have to sit here and wait.”

And wait they did.

They talked about the previous night and how much fun they had singing to a captivated audience. The best part was her serenading Zackary. That would go down in the history books for the Trellis family.

Thirty minutes later Braxton and Brennan drove up. They took a look at the car, changed the tire with the donut that was the spare and Braxton sent Shyla home with Brennan. Venice’s Porsche was a two-seater and neither she nor Shyla could drive Brennan’s truck because it was a stick. Neither had the patience nor desired to learn to drive one.

Brennan and Braxton helped Shyla with her purchases and then helped her into the truck. Shyla asked where Zackary was and Braxton informed her that he had called Zackary but left a message on his phone when he didn’t get an answer. She understood. Maybe he was still sleeping or out getting the girls.

Brennan and Shyla talked about the night’s events and he also apologized about the flirting and teasing his brother. He knew that Zackary really like Shyla, maybe was even in love with her and it was wrong for him to see just how far he could go to Copyright 2016 - 2024