Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,52

turned from the cabinets.

“So what happened? I realize you don’t know me but Zackary is like a brother to me and I would love to finally see him happy,” spoke Venice.

Shyla appreciated how Venice felt. She wanted Zackary to be happy too. And she hoped she did a good job of it. “We’re going to try and do better.” That was enough for starters.

Mama V nodded. “Good. Now let’s get the dessert to the family.”

Shyla helped serve the cake while Venice served coffee and tea. The twins had milk since they had juice with their dinner. When it was time Brennan offered his seat to Shyla. While she was thankful for the offer she declined. Her seat was next to Zackary and the twins. Zackary was a little surprised. He’d had hope that she meant what she’d said when they talked. He wanted to define their relationship. Their attraction for one another was too strong to leave concealed and not move forward with. She sat down and pulled one of the twins from Zackary’s lap into hers. The child didn’t mind.

“So, Zackary tells us that you’re in the medical field.”

“Actually I’m a massage therapist. Some people say its medical and from some stand point it is but others fill that it’s just a technique for relaxation. I own my company, so it’s pretty good.”

“How did you get into that line of work, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“Not at all. Essence use to always get Charlie horses in her legs when we were growing up so I decided that if I can help her out I could probably help others. I studied being a therapist when I was in high school.”

“How did you do that? They never offered those kinds of courses when we were growing up.”

“I took college courses at night. Essence and I were pretty smart when we were growing up so we excelled in all of our classes. By the end of first semester in eleventh grade I had all of my credits to graduate. I took the SAT’s aced that and went to college full time. Graduated in the summer with the seniors for that year and by the time I turned twenty one I was a massage therapist.”

“My partner and I are currently developing creams and lotions to help with joint and muscle pain. I think it will work out.”

“Sounds like you have your head on straight.”

“Yes sir.” She did have her head on straight until it came to Zackary.

“Do you work every day?” asked Brennan while sipping his tea. He preferred that to coffee.

“I try to go in at the minimum of three times per week. I open six days a week but Saturday is for emergency or special needs. I don’t take people who just want to have a massage. I do have extended hours two days a week for people who work until the evening time. Closed Sunday, that’s the Lord’s day.”

“Amen to that,” chimed in Venice.

“I might need your help with a little massage later,” said Brennan. “I have had this problem with my neck for the last several days.”

She helped the twin she was holding with her juice cup. “Maybe it’s a pinched nerve. Have you seen a specialist for it?”

He shook his head. “No, I’m always too busy.”

“Then how can you have time for a massage. It requires time and technique. If you do it right it will be a wonderful experience but if you don’t take your time and do it wrong it can cause more harm than good.”

“Oh I think you can find time for me this weekend. My schedule won’t be busy until next week.”

Zackary rolled his eyes, then began to speak but Shyla beat him to the punch. “Actually, Zack brought me here this weekend for relaxation and spending some quiet time with him and meeting these two little princesses.” She touched them both on the cheek. And she touched Zackary with her words. “Tomorrow he’s going to teach me to ride a horse, we’re going to have a picnic and whatever else he wants to do, but I don’t plan on anything work related. Now, if you decide to come to my neck of the woods, I have a great staff that will take good care of you. Women mostly but I do have one man for reasons I can’t say but some just prefer that.”

“That’s right baby girl, let him know that he gets nothing for free,” Big Zack said. Everyone laughed.

Zackary was Copyright 2016 - 2024