Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,5

you…never mind?” Her insides started to turn to mush. “What’s he doing here? What does he want?” She thought she whispered.

“You, so it seems.” Kemah gave her a skeptical look and since Shyla wasn’t trying to give out any information she decided to ask a few of questions. “Do you know him? And if so, why are you trying to avoid him?”

“Because I don’t like him, I can’t stand that man.” Shyla knew it was a lie. She had liked Zackary from the moment they met but didn’t want anyone to know especially not him. She’d been playing hard to get. But the more she did the more he went after her. He would not be deterred.

“Okay Zachary, be cool,” he told himself. He mentally tried to hold himself together. “You know this woman likes you even if she is trying to keep you at arm’s length. But you will not let that stop you. You’re a man who knows what he wants and how to get it. Now go after that woman and make her yours,” he ordered himself. ‘That’s easier said than done,’ his head responded but he was not going to give up. Not this time around.

“How do you know him? Better yet how come I haven’t heard about him before now? Girl, he’s right behind you,” she tapped Shyla’s hand and grinned.

“Control yourself, Kee. Dang!” Shyla was getting nervous herself.

“Laugh about something so he won’t think we’re talking about him.

“No kidding. He’s right behind-”

“Girl that is too funny. Did you talk to-?”

“Shyla?” he said with a shaky but husky voice. Shyla turned her attention toward him and almost fell out of her seat. He looked even better than the last time she had saw him and tried to ignore the rush of air that got lost somewhere in her throat. They just stared at one another. “I was hoping that was you. I didn’t mean to interrupt your afternoon.” He licked around his lips and her mouth went dry, she needed a drink.

“Hi,” she said taking a sip of water.

“Hi. I saw you yesterday but wasn’t absolutely sure it was you.” He was sure all right. There was no other woman with a figure like hers.

Kemah just smiled as if to say, I told you so.

“Well it’s been quite some time since I’ve seen you.” His voice made her weak in the knees and wet in some well covered places. It’s a good thing she was seated.

“A few…couple of months, I would say,” she said with a little high-pitch to her voice.

“That long?” She was nervous, he thought. Good. At least he wasn’t the only one. He bounced back and forth on his feet. “So how have you been?”

“Good,” she said weakly. “Business is good. I’ve been meaning to take a vacation out this way for a while and finally had the time to do so, so I’m here. What about you? How’s it going and what brings you to this part of the universe?

“May I?” he points to the empty seat next to her.

“I’m sorry, sure, have a seat. It’s available for the time being.”

What had she meant? Was she expecting someone else? He let it pass, for now. Sometimes with Shyla nothing was for certain.

“To answer your question, I’ve been doing great. I needed some me time away from work. A few friends were coming down to visit a school pal and they dragged me along. I needed the vacation anyway before I head back to Napa.”

“You’re going to Napa?” That was news to Shyla.

“Um hmm,” Kemah cleared her throat. Both Shyla and Zackary looked to her. Zackary smiled sweetly and she smiled back. “Hello.”


“Oh Kee, I’m sorry. I forgot you were sitting there.”

“Yeah right,” she said under her breath but not low enough that Shyla couldn’t hear her but she smiled anyway.

“Anyway, Kemah this gentleman is one of Felton’s very old and dearest friends,” she looked as if she had forgotten his name. “I’m sorry,-”

“No problem.” He’d play her little game this time around. “The name’s Zachary. Zachary Trellis.”

“That’s right, Zachary. Zachary and Felton work together.”

He reached for her hand and just as he said his name Kemah was about to pull away. She remembered a guy with the name Trellis. He had changed her life and if it hadn’t been for his friends and his lack of trust they would still be together. She didn’t want to believe that Zachary was any relation but they had the same facial features, the proud Copyright 2016 - 2024