Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,49

up the walk.”

“Hi everyone. I’m sorry for my tardiness, but it couldn’t be helped.” She smiled, hoping no one would notice her sad state. But even with the slight make-up Zackary as well as his mother could tell that she had been crying. She didn’t wear make-up often so she didn’t know how to conceal the puffiness. Kemah and Essence were better at that than she was.

Mrs. Trellis went to her and gave her a motherly hug. “It’s nice to see you again, dear.”

“Thank you Mama V. you too. I had a wonderful time today.” And she had. Shyla hadn’t had a mother figure in her life for years. It’s always been just her and her cousin. Now this woman that she’d only met hours ago was treating her like a member of her family, a daughter.

She grabbed Shyla around the waist and escorted her to the kitchen. She asked everyone else to take their seats at the dinner table.

When Essence asked her if she needed another pair of hands, she told her no, that she should sit and relax and take care of the little one she was carrying.

Felton eyed his wife. “Baby, are you?”

“No I am not.”

“But Mama V said-”

“I should know, Felton. Now will you sit down and stop hovering over me? Dang!”

He sat down but he was still on her back. “Yes. But you have to admit that you haven’t been feeling all that well for weeks. You’ve been tired mostly.”

“That’s because I’m over worked.”

“Honey, have you been late?”

“Felton Lorenzo Childress! Don’t question me like that in front of everyone. You’re embarrassing me,” she poked him in his ribs. “And move. My goodness, it’s hot enough without you breathing down my neck. You’re crowding my space.” That was a sure sign of pregnancy.

“I’m sorry baby.” He moved over to his seat at the table. “We’ll talk later.” He said and leaned over and gave a quick kiss to her temple. The conversation was stopped for the time being but in the back of his mind he couldn’t help praying that it was all true. He was ready to be a father.

He looked over at his friend Zackary who tried his best to keep the smile off his face. He had to clear his throat to keep from laughing.

In the kitchen Mama V and Shyla were getting a little more acquainted.

“Dear are you alright? You seem distracted.”

She looked at Mama V and smiled. “I’m fine. Just something on my mind.”

“Zackary?” she asked.

Shyla continued to smile. She felt like she could talk to this woman about almost anything. She’s never had that connection with any woman, not even her mother when she was younger and her parents were alive.

“Yes, Zackary, among other things. Can I ask you a question?”

Mama V sat down at the kitchen table. “Sure dear. Sit for a minute. We have time.” Shyla sat and folded her hands in a praying gesture.

“How do you tell someone that you love them without getting your heart stomped on? Or maybe I should ask how do you love someone and guarantee their love in return?”

“Well first, there is no guarantee in love, except with God. He loves you through your faults and because He wants your love too. Love between a man and woman or with anyone else really is a gamble.”

“It’s like when you play the lotto, you’re gambling that you’ll win. The odds are stacked up against you but you still play hoping that one day your numbers come in.

“It’s the same with love. It’s a risk, but it’s a risk that people are willing to take in order to find that special someone. The best way to insure that your love is returned is to ask that person.

“Find out the person’s feelings. It’s okay to tell someone you love them. How else will they know? And of course you want that feeling to be reciprocated but it’s not always and it’s not something you can control.

“What you don’t want to do is jump into a relationship expecting something to go wrong, because ten times out of ten, it will.” They both laughed.

“The best thing to do is expect the best and prepare for the worst. It’s a way of life. When you’re in love you know it. And even though your partner may not say it you can tell if that person loves you. Am I to assume that you’re in love with my youngest boy?”

“Yes.” She sighed. “More than I care to admit.”

Mama V Copyright 2016 - 2024