Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,47

with his mother. How were you introduced?”


“How were you introduced to his mother? Brennan had to tell his mother something when you met.”

“I was introduced as Shyla, Zackary’s girlfriend. She hugged me Ess and it felt so good. It was warm and soft, not strange. It seemed as if she already knew who I was, like she was waiting for me.”

“Did you tell them anything different? Like you were only his friend or acquaintances, or you were my cousin.”

“No I told her the truth. I told her that I cared for him. I just couldn’t seem to lie to his mother. I didn’t say I was in love with him. She somehow knew that already. Brennan and Braxton gave each other high fives. They were really excited.” But Shyla didn’t seem overjoyed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Just thinking. Do you think I was wrong for telling her? Maybe I should have just kept it to myself.”

“I think it was okay, sweetie. Maybe you should have told him first. I guess. You’ll just have to make it all up to him.”

“I know.”

They talked a little while longer about her feelings for Zackary and what she could do to improve a relationship with him. She had already decided that she would tell him how she felt. She had waited long enough. Essence helped Shyla pick out outfits for the nights events.

Something was on Essence’s mind. Shyla could read her cousin just as well as Essence was able to read her.

“What’s on your mind? Something’s going on in there.” She poked her in the side of the head and she smiled a nervous smile.

“You’re my cousin and you know I love you, right.”

“Yes. What kind of question is that? You took care of me and we’re all the family we have left.”

“So I can tell you something and you won’t get mad?”

“I won’t promise that. I try not to get mad when you say things to me. It’s just the way you come at me that tends to piss me off.”

Essence drummed her fingers on her knee. It was a nervous gesture. A table wasn’t at her disposal so she used whatever was within reach.

“Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this?”

“Because you probably won’t.”

“We just had a break through. Please don’t go ruining it.”

She grabbed Shyla’s hands in hers. “Listen Shy. I just want to tell you that I am happy that you’re finally giving Zackary a chance. I know that the two of you will be very happy together. He’s really a very good guy. There are not too many more of them out there. So,” she swallowed the lump in her throat, “please don’t hurt him, Shy. He’s been through enough.”

Shyla jumped ready to defend herself.

“Shy, wait.”

“No Essence, you wait. I’m your cousin, blood cousin. When are you going to give a damn about my feelings getting hurt? You’re acting as if I’m on a secret damn mission to seek out the good men and hurt them.”

She must have raised her voice loud enough for the guys to hear because they came to the door and knocked.

“Are you guys alright in there?” It was Felton.

“We’re fine, honey. We’ll be out shortly.” She spoke softly to Shyla.

“Please lower your voice, Shy.”

“Don’t tell me what the hell to do. Have you forgotten why I don’t have a man in my life?”


“Apparently you have.”

“Well I haven’t.” She snapped and stood with her hand planted on her hips. “I’m concerned about you too. It’s just that,” she let her words trail off.

“What Essence Marie Childress?”

“Hear me out Shyla.”

“I’m listening. Say what you have to say and be done with it.”

The two cousins stood facing one another as if they were ready to battle.

“I just don’t want Zackary and Felton’s friendship to be strained if the two of you don’t work out.” Shyla’s jaw dropped. “So, I’m asking you not to blow this.”

Shyla chuckled softly. Then fell into a full fledge laugh. “Don’t blow this?’ You have got to me f’ing kidding me.” Shyla continued to laugh and then got deathly serious. “It seems to me that you are more concerned about you and your husband’s relationship with Zackary than mine, or my relationship with you for that matter.” Essence began to talk but Shyla plugged her up real good. “Save it. I just won’t give into my feelings. How’s that? Great? Great.” She answered her own question. “Now you and your close knit family can stay just that. You won’t ever have to worry Copyright 2016 - 2024