Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,44

okay. I’ll be back in ten minutes blowing for you.” He kissed her hand and walked down the stairs whistling.

“Hey wait a minute. You do know it’s not gentlemanly to blow a horn for a woman?”

“My apologies Miss Wilkes, I will tap the horn lightly to let you know I have arrived and then I will come up for you. Does that suit you?”

“It’s fine.”

“See you in ten.” He winked and left.

In ten minutes Brennan was outside Zachary’s house tapping his horn as he had promised. Shyla came walking out closing the door behind her. She had changed into a pair of form fitting blue jeans and a spaghetti strapped tank. She waved at Brennan smiling, showing her pearly whites.

“I thought you were going to let me come to the door?”

“I decided it wasn’t necessary. It’s a girl’s prerogative to change her mind isn’t it?’

“Yes ma’am. It is. Let’s go take a tour of this place.”

Brennan took her hand as they walked to the truck. He held the door open for her. “Your chariot awaits Miss Lady,” he bowed.

“Thank you, kind sir.” He held her hand while she stepped up into the large SUV. She fastened her seatbelt before he closed her inside. When he got in on the other side, he did the same then drove off into the land.

Neither had seen Zackary just a few yards away looking like a wounded seal. What the hell was his brother up to? He would have a talk with him, and soon.

A little over three hours later they returned, laughter filling the air.

“You are so crazy boy. I haven’t laughed so much in my life.”

“You have got to be kidding. What, my brother doesn’t make you laugh?” She didn’t respond as they walked up to the front door.

He grabbed her hand. “We’ll have to do something about that then. It definitely looks good on you, it’s a melodious sound and you have an amazing smile.” He was flirting with her.

“Thank you.”

Three sets of eyes were on them as they stood on the porch. Those same three sets of eyes searched each other in wonder.

How could this, be happening again, Zackary thought.

Shyla and Brennan walked into the house, still laughing. All eyes focused on them.

“Hey everyone?”

“Hey,” they all spoke at once.

“What’s so funny?” Essence asked. “You two must have had some time.”

“Bren was just telling me a joke. He’s a riot.”

Bren, Zackary thought. She’s already shortening his name. What the hell could have happened in the last four hours? And where the hell were they?

“Zackary, do you have any idea how funny your brother is? Not to mention crazy.”

Of that he knew. “Yes.” He nodded as he spoke. “He’s a real character, that one.” No one missed the sarcasm that laced his voice. And he didn’t care. “What have you two been up to?”

Just as Shyla was about to speak Braxton walked in.

“Hey everyone,” he looked around. His eyes first landed on Shyla and Essence. “So I get to see this beautiful angel again.” He kissed her cheek, then moved over to Essence and kissed her cheek. “Hey beautiful. How have you been?”

“I’ve been good, Braxton. How are you and Venice?”

“We are fabulous. She’ll be here around six, looking forward to seeing you.” Essence nodded.

Venice was very sweet. She and Shyla would get along very well.

“And how are you two blockheads?” He asked Zackary and Felton. While Zackary still focused his attention on his brother, Brennan and his woman, Felton stated that he was okay.

Braxton saw that Zackary was focused elsewhere. He turned back and walked over to Shyla pulling her away from his twin. “So my beautiful and talented angel, are we still on for dancing tonight?”

“Of course.” she smiled turning to Essence. “Girl did you know that Braxton built a club on this property?”

“Yes I knew.”

“We’re going there tonight. He claims we will have a better time than if we were in L.A.”

Essence watched him. “I don’t know Braxton. We have some out of the box clubs in southern Cali, baby boy. I haven’t come across a club in any state that’s better than ours.”

“I tried to tell him but he’s not listening.”

“We’ll see. Hey little brother did you know your girl could sing? She got some serious vocals.” Shyla blushed, but Zackary frowned

“No I didn’t know.” Was all he said, but he wanted to add, I haven’t gotten two minutes with her to notice or do anything with her. You’re all dominating her time like she’s a superstar or Copyright 2016 - 2024