Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,27

of Angina but he’s going to be fine, now. Upset because mom has him on a strict diet.”

“That’s good. I know how close you all are.”

“Did Felt remind you about tomorrow?”

“Yes. He said we need to be ready by three in the morning. Don’t you think that’s a little too early?”

“Are you kidding me? Do you know that if we leave at that time we will be there by eight and we’ll miss all the Thursday morning traffic going that a way. Most people will be just getting started at that time. If it wasn’t such a problem we’d be leaving tonight but Felt was still at work when I left and traffic is a terrible right now.”

“I know. I guess that’s not so bad. It is the 4th of July weekend. Vacationers, commuters, not something I would want to deal with tomorrow morning.”

Shyla watched as they continued their conversation. At first she wondered what they were talking about then she remembered that Zackary had invited all of them to his family home back in Napa, California a month or two before the cruise. She had declined but her cousin talked her into it, saying that they had never been apart for the holiday and she didn’t want them to start now. They were all that each other had except for Essence’s husband Felton. Felton and Zackary had become best friends in college and decided on the same profession, so it wasn’t news to anyone that the two would open a veterinarian clinic together.

Essence turned to her. “I see you’re wondering what we’re discussing. Tomorrow we’re going up north.” Shyla looked to Zackary and then back at Essence. “Zack’s family own property up there remember?” Shyla still didn’t respond. What would she say? She pretended not to remember, so Essence continued on. “We talked about it a few weeks back and you promised that you would go. Don’t bail on me now, Shy.”

Shyla wasn’t sure she wanted to be in Zackary’s company for five days. It was so much unresolved between them and she didn’t know how long she could keep up the charade of being mad at him. “I don’t recall that conversation. I think I’m going to be busy tomorrow, Ess. I must have forgotten because I made plans with Kemah.” That wasn’t entirely a lie but it wasn’t the truth. Kemah told her that if she didn’t have anything planned that she could spend the holiday with her and her cousin but later recanted because she did remember that Zackary was going to get her up to his place, with the help of Essence.

“Well cancel them,” Essence replied. “I’m your cousin. We’re never apart for the holidays and you promised.” Shyla could see the sadness in her cousin’s eyes but she also knew she was being played.

“I know Ess but what about Kemah?”

“Ask her to come with us.” She then looked at Zackary. “You don’t mind right Zack?”

He shook his head, saying no. “The more the merrier.” As long as he got to spend some time with Shyla, he thought silently, any and everyone was welcomed to come. This time he would not let anything come between them. He was going to go out of his way to get and keep this woman in his life. Come hell or high water he would succeed.

“Shy it’s only five days and we have so much planned. We are going to have so much fun, you’ll see.” Then she added, “And since I’m not taking no for an answer I suggest you go home and get packed. We don’t want to be waiting on you for hour’s tomorrow morning.”

Shyla rolled her eyes. “It doesn’t take me but a few minutes to pack.”

“Does that mean you’re still going?”

Inside Zackary was smiling. He didn’t know what she had planned but if Essence couldn’t convince her to go then he definitely would. There was no way he was heading to Monterey for a five day weekend and leaving this woman behind.

Shyla’s speaking brought his attention back to the conversation that she and Essence was engaged in.

“What about my job? I do have clients. What if I am needed for an emergency?”

Essence laughed. “That’s funny Shy. You’re your own boss, you don’t have to work unless you want to and I know for a fact that you have an on-call assistant.” If Zackary hadn’t known this information, Essence would have busted her in front of him. Shyla rolled her eyes once again. She wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024