Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,24

the right woman.”

His mother nodded. “And you think this woman is the right woman?”

“I really believe so.”

“So you really like her? Maybe even more than like her?”

“More than you’ll ever know.”

She rubbed her hand across his. “Well son, I hope everything works out. If this woman can’t see what she could have with you then it will be her loss.”

“You’re being biased mom, but thanks.” He kissed the hand he was holding.

“Bias has nothing to do with it. Ask anyone and they’ll say the same thing. Just try to get her out here. She may surprise you.”

“I’ll do my best, mom.”

“That’s all I ask. You deserve a happily ever after.

A few more weeks passed without Shyla hearing from Zackary. She had left a couple of messages of her own but they were not responded to. She could almost feel how Zackary must have felt when she hadn’t returned his calls. Again her work became more important than her life. If Zachary didn’t want to be bothered with her she didn’t care. She didn’t want to be bothered with him any longer either. Kemah had stood by and watched her friend almost work herself to death. She had had enough, she couldn’t take anymore. She decided it was time that she got involved.

“Dr. Trellis?”

“Zackary this is Kemah.”

“Hi, Miss Kemah long time no hear. How have you been?”

“Good but not great.”

“Good but not great,” he repeated. “What does that mean?”

Kemah sighed. She called and reached him so she couldn’t back out now, but how was she going to tell him that Shyla was in love with him without it all blowing up in her face. She hadn’t really wanted to get involved but it seemed like the only way. She wasn’t opposed to getting into anyone’s business if it was for the right reason.

“It means your girl is driving herself into and early grave and about to take me along for the ride.”

Zackary jumped to his feet. “What’s wrong? What’s happened to her?”

Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. Zackary was definitely concerned.

“Kemah what’s happened?”

“Nothing has happened, yet, but she’s working herself ragged. She misses you and what you two could have had.”

Zackary calmed down. His heart was racing way too fast. “Why don’t I believe you? The last time we spoke she told me off. She ignored my calls.”

“I seem to remember you ignoring her calls, too.”

“What was I supposed to do Kemah?”

“Try giving her another chance. Zackary she does care about you. More than she’s willing to admit. I’m sure you already know this. She may not show it the way you would expect her to, but she does care. Right now she’s upset because you haven’t returned her calls.”

“Then you know that makes two of us. Of course I didn’t mean to hurt her but men hurt too. She doesn’t care how I feel. She’s the one who ran off. I can’t, no, I won’t keep this up. Do I give her chances until I’m blue in the face or until she decides that we are not what she wants? It seems like she’s already done that. It’s pretty painful.

“I know some women think men don’t hurt but we do. They always want to call us dogs but what about the women who treat us as though they can run a game on men and we just take it? Do you know what they say about men that are like that?”

“Shyla’s not like that.”

“I’m not saying she is. I’m just saying that all men aren’t dogs and I resent being treated like one or like my feelings don’t matter. I’ve had my share and I’m not ashamed to let it be known nor do I have the desire to go through that again.”

Kemah heard the anxiety in his voice. She knew that he had been through some things because of what Shyla had told her but she didn’t know the impact of it all. She didn’t want Zackary to let go of his feelings for Shyla because of what had happened in a previous relationship. Just as Shyla shouldn’t treat him a certain way because of her ex. Kemah thought back to the man she dated in college. She loved him. Still loves him if she could be honest about it. She herself should have moved on. She knew that he had and yet she still loved him. Maybe one day she would find the right man to love, until then she wanted to at least see her best Copyright 2016 - 2024