Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,21

my little brother here who said he would never fall in love, even again. In fact he said he’d never fall for another beautiful face.”

“She’s ugly then.” He spoke fast.

“You just said she was beautiful, voluptuous, exasperating-”

“Stop okay? I know what I said about falling in love and I admit that I was wrong, dead wrong. Shy’s more than just a beautiful face.”

“So you are in love, then?” Braxton asked. He wanted to be clear on all counts.

“So it seems. I can’t see what else to call it.”

“So who is she?”

Zackary smiled again. “Her name is Shyla. Shyla Wilkes.”

Braxton sat up. “That beauty that’s related to Felton, isn’t she Essence’s cousin or something?”

Venice hit him with her elbow.

“Sorry love. You know you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.” He leaned over to kiss her.

“I thought you said that I was the most beautiful woman in the world,” his mother said entering the room.

“You are, for my mother. I could never judge you against other women of the world it wouldn’t be fair. Only to other mother’s and you’re the best there is.” He stood to kiss her cheek as well.

“Welcome home, Braxton,” he nodded. “You’re a good son.”

“Spoiled is what he is,” Venice said. “Didn’t you just tell my mother last month that she was the best?”

“The best Mother-in-law, baby, get it right.”

Good save, Venice mouthed.

Don’t I know it, he thought and winked.

“Hi mom.”

“Hi, son, are you settled in over there?”

“Yes. I will be in and out for a few days but I will make time for dinner so make sure you set and extra place setting for me.”

“Don’t worry. Your place was set when you told your father you were on your way.” They hugged.

“Let’s get back to the conversation at hand. You’re not getting away with anything.” Braxton told Zackary.

“What did he do now?” Brennan, Braxton’s twin had just walked in. He kissed his mom and then Venice. “How are you beautiful ladies today?”

“Fine,” they both rushed.

“We were talking about Zackary’s girlfriend.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

“Not yet. But you have a plan, right little brother?”

“Let’s just say, I’m working on it.”

“The fourth of July bash is coming up. Why don’t you invite her? She can meet the girls and from that alone you’ll know whether you and she should have a relationship or not.”

“That’s true.” Venice said. “You know the twins don’t like anyone.”

“Especially their own mother,” his mother said just below a whisper but Zackary being able to hear a dog whistle heard her.

“Mom that’s not nice.”

She frowned. “Sorry baby. I’m just saying that-”

“Well don’t, please. I have enough problems with her than I care to deal with. My daughters tell me I don’t love them when I leave them with her.”

“Maybe they are trying to tell you something, like they don’t want to be with her. She did abandon them when they were just infants.”

“Mom stop!” he almost snapped. “I know this, alright, but she is their mother.”

“Just because she’s their mother doesn’t give her rights. Everyone isn’t cut out to be a mother Zackary Trellis. And the sooner you realize that the better off you will be.” His mother snapped back then stormed out of the family room and went in seclusion in the comfort of her bedroom.

“Vivie?” her husband said as she dashed passed him.

“Mom?” all the others called after her but she was gone.

Their father came through the door with his hand fisted and upon his hips.

“Alright, which one of you ingrates upset my Vivie?”

Zackary, Brennan, Braxton and Venice all said together while pointing their finger.


“Your namesake,” Brennan laughed.




“What’s the problem son? Have you lost your mind?”

“No dad.”

“Then why? Why would you upset your mother, son? You’ve been back an hour.”

“It wasn’t intentional dad. We were just-” his father shut him down.

“Save it. You get up there and make things right with your mom.”

“But dad-”

“Now son, don’t make me have to repeat myself.”

“Yes sir.” It was like he was still that little kid. He was damn near thirty and his father still treated him like he was a baby.

His father shook his head. “Sometimes I don’t know why we named you after me. You are such a man.”

All eyes looked at him as though he was a freak of nature. “What?”

Their father winked towards Venice. When he turned around Zackary was still standing there.

“Go on Zackary Trellis, Jr.”

“I’m going. Keep your shirt on, pops.”

“Boy, don’t make me take off my shoe.”

“Yeah!” Brennan said. “He doesn’t use a belt anymore. His stomach now holds Copyright 2016 - 2024