Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,17

away. He called after her.

“Shyla? Shyla? Damn.” He cursed. “So you’re just going to keep walking?”

She never turned to acknowledge him. She started to run and after a while he no longer had her in his view. The tears rolled down her face. She couldn’t stop crying. What had she done?

Zackary kicked at the sand. Why didn’t he run after her?

Chapter Five

The rest of the trip was a bust for Shyla as well as for Zackary. For the next couple of days he went back to the Lounge where he saw Shyla the first day of his trip. She never showed. He stayed around the bar talking to anyone he thought who may have seen her. The bartender said he hadn’t seen her since the night at the club. He was the bartender there too. Zackary went as far as going to her hotel and sitting in the lobby waiting for her but she never came out. He knocked on her door a few times. When he decided to give up the door came open. It wasn’t Shyla.

“Hey Zackary.”

“Hey. How is she?” he looked over Kemah’s shoulder into the suite.

“She hasn’t left the hotel since she left you on the beach.” Kemah looked towards the bedroom door. “She hasn’t eaten very much either but she’s okay.” She wouldn’t tell him that she’d been crying since that day. “I’d ask you in but I already know how she’ll react.”

“I understand. I just wanted to make sure she was okay. I should have gone after her when she took off but she would have welcomed it a whole lot less.”

“Maybe! Just give her a little time. She’s been through a lot, but for what it’s worth, I think she’d be very lucky to have you.”

“Well, I want to thank you for saying that, but I think I would be the lucky one. Did she get the flowers?”

“Yes she did. They are beautiful.” He didn’t see them around and he wondered if she had kept them or threw them away. Kemah saw his wondering eyes. “She has them in the room with her.”

He nodded. At least that was something. “Okay. I’m going to go. My old school mates are having a bonfire tonight and I said I’d make an appearance. It was really nice meeting you Kemah,” he leaned in and kissed her cheek.

“It was really nice meeting you, too. Do me a favor, don’t give up on her.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” They smiled at one another then he left.

Shyla was standing in the door way of her room when Kemah closed the door.

“That was Zackary. He came to see how you were doing.”

“I heard. Thank you.”

“For what, Shy? You can’t keep doing this. If I thought he was a jerk like Simon I would be the first to tell you so, but he’s not and he really care for you. Please don’t let this opportunity pass you by.”

They both stared at one another for a long while. Kemah was pleading with her eyes but Shyla wasn’t ready to give in. She turned on her heels and went back to her room.

Kemah dropped onto the sofa. She had to find a way to help her friend. She didn’t see this kind of thing happening for her own self. No her time had passed. But Shyla needed Zackary and Zackary needed Shyla.

Three days later Shyla and Kemah were back at home, tending to their busy lives. Shyla jumped into her work with both feet taking on more clients than her normal share. She received voicemails from Zackary at least twice daily, several times a week for two solid weeks and then they stopped. After a month she started missing Zackary and his calls to try and get her to go out with him or just spend an evening at his home in town or the one at Napa Acres in Napa, California. As much as she wanted to call she decided against it. She didn’t want her cousin and her cousin’s husband to know what was going on.

“Hey girl? It is going to be hot today.”

“Hey Kee.” Shyla seemed tired and out of sorts.

“What wrong, sweetie?” She walked up to her rubbing her back.

“Nothing.” she winced as if she was in pain.

“You’re sure? You look tired and worn out. I know that you have been taking on a lot more work than you would normally do so I know that something is up.” She pulled up a chair next to Shyla but Shyla Copyright 2016 - 2024