Come To Me (Dare With Me #3) - J.H. Croix Page 0,25

like three potential brides lined up for you. They were all her friends. You don’t think she’s going to bring one, do you?”

I groaned, leaning my head back. After a deep breath, I looked toward Nora. “How would I freaking know? She might try to get on my case about it, but she wouldn’t bring somebody with her without talking to me about it first. They’d need a place to stay. As it is, she’s taking Elias’s old room.”

“About time he cleaned that room out,” Daphne said with a soft laugh. “When’s the last time he actually spent the night here?”

“I can’t remember the last time,” Flynn commented.

“Yeah, he’s full-time with Cammi. I couldn’t be happier for him,” I offered.

Nora gave me a considering look. “What about you? I always figured you’d be the first to fall. Honestly, I’m surprised you don’t have kids already. You’ve got family guy written all over you.”

Flynn nodded. “That’s what I said.”

I shrugged. “Maybe someday.”

Nora grinned, a sly look entering her eyes. That’s when I knew she had another point. “What about Gemma?”

A vision of Gemma flashed through my thoughts—flushed, her lips swollen from our kisses, and her eyes hazy with need. The other night it had taken all of my discipline not to take her completely. I wasn’t about to share that with Nora. “What about Gemma?” I countered.

“Delia told me you took her to dinner the other night, and we all know you took her out for a flight,” Daphne chimed in helpfully.

Of course, I should’ve known they would all find out. Not that I minded all that much. “I like Gemma,” I said simply.

Flynn, who probably knew me better than anybody at the table, chuckled. “Diego takes things at his own speed.”

At that moment, the resort phone rang, Daphne stood, hurrying across the kitchen to answer it. The group slowly filtered apart. I was left with Flynn at the table as I finished my coffee. “Thanks for letting Harley stay here,” I commented.

“Of course,” Flynn replied. “She’s family, just like you.”

“You might regret saying that, depending on how long she stays,” I replied with a chuckle.

Flynn shook his head. “I won’t. She’s good people.” He regarded me quietly for a beat before offering, “You know, your habit of playing things casual doesn’t really suit your personality.”

“What do you mean?” I returned.

“Just that. I know your ex burned you, with what happened with your parents’ money, but you are a family guy. I’d hate you to miss out on that because you’re a little cynical.”

I shifted my shoulders and let out a sharp sigh. “Said by the guy who used to take cynical very seriously. Daphne’s really softened you up.”

Flynn shrugged easily, not even bothered by my observation. “Maybe that’s what I needed. Maybe you should think about what you need.”

Chapter Thirteen


I was leaving my last yoga class for the day, driving home and looking forward to spending some quality time grooming Charlie. I found that to be a soothing activity. The dashboard in my car lit up with an incoming call. My older brother’s name flashed on the screen.

I tapped the button to answer the call. “Hey, Neal.”

“Hey, sis. How’s Alaska?”

“Beautiful. I hope you can come up for a visit sometime soon.”

“I’m planning on it. I’d like to make it before the snow flies.”

“How’s life treating you?”

My brother was one of my favorite people. He was smart, kind, and funny. He was also a kick ass attorney and handled cases specifically relating to environmental issues, his big passion.

“Life’s good. Busy with work.”

“What else is new?” I teased in return.

Although I couldn’t see him, I could feel his shrug and hear his smile in his voice. “Fortunately, I like working. You got a minute to chat?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t have answered if I didn’t. I’m in my car, just finished teaching my last class for the day, and I’m headed home to take care of the horses.”

“All right, then. I wanted to give you a heads up before you heard from anybody else.” Neal’s voice became somber.

An anxious foreboding slid like icy water down my spine, spinning around and tightening in my chest like a cold fist. “What’s up?” I asked, my voice sounding tense to my ears.

“The DA just filed charges against Coach Winston. It’s all over the news tonight in Portland.”

That cold fist clenched more tightly in my chest and a familiar sick feeling coated my belly. “What?” My lips felt numb as I formed that single word.

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