Colt (Devil's Nightmare MC #10) - Lena Bourne Page 0,42

worried look, the mocking smirk on his face replaced by what can only be described as a pained expression.

“Good luck,” he whispers to my back, making me wonder if I’ll need it, which is something I don’t need.

I was sure I had everything squared away with Cross. Sure, he kinda had me on some sort of probation, but now, as I make my way into the bunker on legs that feel like they’re made of stone, I’m not so sure I was right about that. Maybe he just didn’t have the time to deal with me and my transgressions until now.

“What’s this about?” I ask Ace once I catch up with him.

He gives me a sideways glance but keeps walking towards Cross’ office.

“I’ll let Cross tell you,” he says, and now I really don’t feel good.

But there’s nothing for it. There’s a time when the music must be faced and for me, it’s right now.

The door to Cross’ office is open and as I follow Ace inside, I see both Cross and Hawk, who is sitting on the edge of Cross’ desk look at me piercingly. I try not to swallow hard, but by now my paranoia about this summons has reached fever pitch and I think I know what men facing a firing squad feels like.

“What did you tell him, Ace?” Hawk asks. “He looks like he’s seen a ghost.”

That’s a kind way of putting it, since I’m sure I look like I just shat my pants.

“Nothing at all,” Ace says and leans on the wall by the open door, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I’ll get right to the point,” Cross says. “We’re having trouble finding out what the fuck’s going on with the Sinners. And since I’d rather not stay cooped up here longer than we need to, I want to go at it a different way. Is that woman you saved from them still around?”

He looks at me, waiting for an answer, but the question was from so far out of left field even my thoughts aren’t forming into words. I don’t know what would actually come out of my mouth if I tried to speak. And the most prominent image in my mind is Brenda’s milky soft skin bathed in sunlight on an unmade motel bed. That’s how I left her the last time we spoke.

“It’s not a hard question,” Cross says.

“Yeah. Yeah, she’s still around,” I manage to say.

“Do you think she might know things about the Sinners? Inside things?” he asks. “Ace says she spent most of her time around them and that she was friendly with one of the President’s sons.”

I shrug. “She might. I know she hated them all.”

She’s told me a lot about how they treated her like garbage. But that was mostly the other women. The men ignored her, for the most part.

“Would she be willing to help us?” Cross asks. “Or at least answer some questions.”

“I can ask her,” I say, wishing I could give him a definitive yes on the subject.

“Go ask her,” Cross says. “Tell her I want to speak to her tomorrow morning. I’ll call with instructions.”

To me, that sounds like he wants to talk to her whether she agrees to or not, but thankfully I catch myself before pointing this out.

“I’ll get her to help us, don’t worry,” I say, turning slightly to leave right away before remembering I better wait to be dismissed.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Cross says. “You can go now.”

I think I detected a hint of a smirk in his voice as he said it, but that could just be my own reaction to this order.

Cross’ request is my wildest dream come true. I get to see her, I get to spend the night with her and make all the words we exchanged reality. What happens next is tomorrow’s problem.



I went for a walk today to let the maid do her thing in the morning, and the sheets smell so wonderfully fresh now. The whole room does. She must’ve used some fancy detergent, because the smell of bleach is barely perceptible.

I burrowed into bed after taking a shower in the evening, using the new tiny bottles of shower gel, shampoo, and conditioner the maid also supplied. They smell of coconut with hardly any soap scent to go with it. Fresh and light. Like summertime.

Colt calling and telling me he’s coming over was just the perfect cherry on top of all those nice things.

But I didn’t fully believe he’d actually show Copyright 2016 - 2024