Color Me Pretty - B. Celeste Page 0,90

lot that backs up McAllister’s fear. It was in his eyes, Theo. The man knew not to cross Pratt. Makes sense if you think about it. Pratt has a hand in just about any business you could imagine. If he went too far, he probably doesn’t know how to quit and wasn’t about to let Anthony talk.”

I let that soak in for a moment, my anger rising higher and higher until I was sure my face was red, and steam threatened to billow out of my ears. “It was a set up,” I murmured in realization, cursing, and scrubbing a palm down my face. “If Pratt hired somebody on the inside to take down Anthony so he wouldn’t talk about co-conspirators in the scandal, nobody would think twice about his death because of how many fatalities the prison has in an average week.”

All Dallas did was nod with a grim look on his face.

I cursed again before dropping down into my chair and exhaling heavily. “Adele can’t find out about this yet. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.” There was a pause as I stared down at the list of names. “I’ve been keeping your secrets for a long time. If you don’t mind me saying so…”

He captured my attention enough for me to glare at him. If he was going to threaten me, he chose a bad time to do it. But as soon as I met his eyes, I realized that wasn’t what he was doing. Dallas was a good man. How many times had Della told me that? They’d talked often on their drives together. She knew more about the man than I did, and he’d been under my employment for a long ass time.

“You two have always been good together, willing to push the other. When I said that you cared for Adele, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. Look at all you’ve done for her. Hell, you keep me on payroll to drive her around even though she rarely uses the services.”

“Because she thinks you’re Sophie’s employee,” I pointed out. That and Della hated having a driver when she could walk places. Anything that reminded her of the privilege she was born into was something she distanced herself from. I respected it, even if it pissed me off she walked on foot or called fucking Uber instead of using Dallas. “It doesn’t matter what your opinion is anyway.”

“No?” His brows go up. “At the risk of losing the money you gave me, I’d like to disagree with you. If my opinion favors whatever you two are doing, don’t you think others will too? You’re torturing yourself by thinking worst case scenario to keep her at a distance, but that’s only hurting both of you.”

I glowered. “What do you know?”

Amusement danced in his eyes as he stood, buttoning the jacket of his suit. “I’d say a lot considering you’ve paid me to keep an eye on her for all these years. She’s a good girl. Smart. But she’s hurting. Hurting real bad, sir. Always has been, but it’s gotten worse the last couple of weeks. Not to step out of line, but she reminds me of what she was like…before. When things got tough, that is. She’s a ghost of herself when I take her places, like her friend’s house.”

Dallas was a lot of things, and truthful was always one. It was why I kept him on my payroll, always offering him bonuses for doing things beyond what he signed up for. Digging. Investigative work. When he signed the contract, it was to look after Adele. Drive her. Keep an eye out to ensure she was safe. Despite her not using the car much, they did form somewhat of a friendship. Normally that would have pissed me off, especially because Dallas is younger than me. Hell, he has a lot more going for him than I do married or not. But I knew better than to think Della would do anything with him because of the ring on his finger. I knew she wouldn’t do anything because of me. And maybe that was the problem. I was forty. Angry. Divorced. Bitter at the world. What the fuck could I offer her other than misery and sage advice when the moment called for it? I gave her one moment to make her choice, a spontaneous decision that led to more. And I wanted even more than that.

I needed that night and all the fucking moments that Copyright 2016 - 2024