Color Me Pretty - B. Celeste Page 0,84

pale, sad, and a mixture of other things I could relate to. “I’m sorry, but no. He wanted me to know because of my relationship with Anthony.”

“Relationship,” Sophie repeated, walking away from the table with a hand on her temple like she had a headache. “So, what? He gave you a heads up out of pity? If that were the case, why didn’t he call Adele or me? Hmm?”

Lydia was quiet.

I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter now. These are going to come out one way or another, so why argue?”

Sophie said, “Because it’s ridiculous!”

Lydia squeezed my hand.

“It’s not,” I whispered.

Sophie cut her gaze to me in disbelief. “I can’t believe you’re willing to let this family go through more shame. Between you and your father, I swear—”

I paled at her words, which caused her to stop short. The lump in my throat grew as embarrassment, shame, and a million other negative things crashed into me.

Lydia glared at her sister. “That’s enough. Don’t you think she’s gone through a lot already? The last thing any of us needs is to create more problems. We’re supposed to be supporting each other.”

“That’s rich coming from you,” Sophie scoffed at her. “You only show up to be the bearer of bad news. When was the last time we saw you? That’s right. Anthony’s funeral. Convenient that you only come when you see fit.” Sophie stepped toward me. “Adele, I didn’t mean anything by what I said. I’m just angry.” Yet, she didn’t apologize. A classic Sophie move. It was like she was allergic to saying sorry or having any true semblance of guilt for anything she did.

Lydia sighed again and said, “I know this is going to be hard for everyone which is why we need to stick together.”

I wondered how that would work since the two of them didn’t exactly have a relationship in the first place. “What do you think will happen after the list is published? Those people were given their money back.”

“Not all of them,” Lydia admitted. “There were a few that received nothing, or very little compared to what they lost. Your father had already had a lot of assets tied up elsewhere, and the property and belongings the state sold to compensate didn’t cover everything.”

“Could they come after us?” Sophie wondered aloud, panic in her eyes.

I swallowed. “They can’t…can they?”

Sophie held her hands up. “I’m calling my lawyer. This needs to be nipped in the bud before it gets out of hand again. We all know how the press can be and how it can…impact people.”

Another reference to me and my reaction last time. I’d lost it, but I wished she didn’t bring it up, indirectly or not. It was bad enough I had to live with my breakdown, the last thing I needed was my family reminding me when they got upset.

It made me want to yell, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good. Stomach hurting, I stood and ignored the food and growing headache pounding in my skull. “I think I should get going.”

Lydia frowned. “You didn’t eat.”

“Not hungry.”

Sophie glanced at me with worry etched in her eyes. “Adele, you should really try eating something. There’s plenty of food.”

I knew why she was pushing. “I’m not going to relapse,” I told them both firmly. “So, you can drop the act.”

Sophie looked doubtful, but Lydia gave me an encouraging smile and head nod. That was another difference between them. Lydia cared. It was in her nature to. But Sophie? She only cared if it benefited her.

“Perhaps you should call one of your friends,” Lydia suggested. “Or Theo? You’re still close, aren’t you?”

I licked my lips. “He’s been busy. But maybe I’ll call Ren.”

Sophie spoke up again. “What about one of the girls you used to be close with? Katrina and you were nearly inseparable once upon a time. Remember that?”

“We’re not anymore.”

“I heard—”

“You hear a lot of things,” I snapped. “It doesn’t make it true. Kat and I aren’t friends anymore. She isn’t…” Lifting a shoulder, I pushed my chair in and exhaled slowly. “Kat isn’t who she used to be, and I don’t want to be part of what she and the others are into.”

“They’ve gone through a lot too,” Sophie pointed out as if I didn’t already know.

I did something I never had before. I let go of my anger that’d been boiling up inside me that’d been ready to blow for a long time. “Well, none of their fathers went to prison Copyright 2016 - 2024