Color Me Pretty - B. Celeste Page 0,45

upon a time I’d been complimented in every class for my fluid movements and flexibility. I still had some of both, but it was harder after years. People commented on the way I walked with grace like any dancer did no matter how long it’d been since they last practiced, but my abdominal muscles weren’t as strong, and neither were my arms. I’d lost obvious definition that used to help me which was why I’d convinced myself that yoga was a safe bet if no other workouts appealed to me.

The problem was, I knew people were right to worry about what exercises I did. It was more than just Ripley asking me what I did to stay physically active or asking if I counted calories again. Other people were waiting for me to fail, watching me carefully, too carefully, and they had no reason to. It pissed me off. A lot.

After another twenty minutes, we ended with the typical namaste before rolling our mats up and preparing to leave. The center I went to for these classes shared rooms with other instructors, so we could never stay longer than a few minutes before the next course started.

“Bye, Adele,” one of my other classmates said, giving me a wave before walking out with her mat tucked under her arm. Her name was Brielle and if I had to guess I’d say she was mid-thirties. Quiet, but sweet. She greeted everybody even if they never offered her so much as a wave in return, but I always smiled and spoke to her if I had the time. She was one of the few people who didn’t pester me about personal things when everybody else liked talking behind my back.

Speaking of. “I was wondering if you’d come back,” Tiffany Anderson commented, stopping beside me. Her silvery blonde hair took a lot of money to keep up because she always hated the dark brown it was naturally. She kept it in a tight bun during yoga, just like she did during dance. “The girls and I were talking about reaching out to you to see if you wanted to join us again.”

I doubted that, but I smiled anyway. “It was time to try rejoining. I need some work, obviously.”

Her smile wasn’t as tight as I would have expected. “You’ll get there, especially if you expect to compete again. I noticed that your arms barely held you up and your legs shook when we did the balance series.”

My eye twitched despite trying to hold it back. I wasn’t sure why everybody thought I was coming back. Aunt Sophie had to be the reason speculation stirred. It didn’t matter how hard I tried squashing it, rumors spread like wildfire, especially when it came to dance. Spots were always limited, and it was only the best of the best who were offered a chance to prove themselves worthy of the title.

“I don’t plan on competing again, Tiffany. Whatever people are saying is just because my aunt is trying to get me to change my mind, but I won’t.”

Tiffany, who’d always been one of my biggest competitors next to Lauren, looked disappointed. Normally people were happy to know they didn’t have to worry about peers taking their spot. Not her based on the pinch of her lips. “You don’t have to compete. It’s just… Can I be honest with you? I don’t understand why you’re set on quitting. I mean, I get things were…hard for you. I’m not that much of a bitch to brush off what you’ve gone through the past couple of years. You’re talented though and it would suck to win at something because there isn’t enough worthy competition. We both know Lauren thinks she’s got every lead spot in the bag since you walked away, but everybody else knows that there are a lot of other people vying for the same roles. And that still isn’t good enough. Not when people know there’s a possibility you’re coming back.”

I stared at her blankly.

She sighed. “I get it, okay? You probably don’t care because we’re not friends. We barely got along when we danced together. But that doesn’t mean I want to get handed things without proving that I worked my ass off for them. The only way I can feel that way is if you were back.”

Again. I blinked.

“And because I hate Lauren,” she added, grinning. There was no stopping the matching grin on my face, causing us both to laugh. She had a point Copyright 2016 - 2024