Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,93

that said prospect, only for him to slap my hand away. “How long before they let you join their biker gang?”

“You know what? Fuck you. This is who I am now, and if you don’t like it, you can fuck off.”

He turned and stormed out of the room, heading for the stairs. “Does the town know about this?” I shouted, laughing when he flipped me the bird.

I turned to Eric and he shook his head laughing. “I think I just found a way to get back at Joe for all the shit he pulled on me when I was dating Kat.”


I looked around my trailer and tried to decide what was worth keeping. Honestly, there was a lot of stuff here that I didn’t want to take with me. I started in the kitchen, packing up pots and pans that I could take. They were all garbage, but I could get new things over time. The first thing I really wanted to get was new living room furniture, and maybe a new bed.

After packing up anything that could be taken with me from the kitchen, I moved on to the bedroom. Pulling out my suitcases, I packed up clothes and shoes that I wanted to keep. There was a lot of stuff that I had kept over the years that I just didn’t wear anymore.

I pulled out a box that I kept at the back of my closet and sat on the floor as I went through everything. There were pictures of Robert and I in high school. We were so in love back then. I came across some pictures of me with my mom and dad from when I was younger and I stared at them, wondering how life might have turned out had my dad stuck around. Would my mom have still become an alcoholic? Would my life have been different? I would never know. I tossed the pictures back in the box and shoved it to the side. I couldn’t go through all those pictures right now. It brought back too many memories, and my life now was all about moving forward.

A knock at the door had me glancing at the clock. Three hours had passed awfully fast, and I still wasn’t ready to move yet. I got up and walked to the door, pulling and yanking on it until it opened. Robert grinned at me, stepping inside as he pulled me in for a kiss.

“Did you convince him?”

“What do you think? Are you ready to go?”

“I just have to grab my bag.”

He followed me back to my bedroom and took in the chaos. “Did you make a lot of progress?”

I sighed. “Honestly, I’m not sure what I want to bring with me.”

“I think you should start over. New house, new things.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to spend a ton of money when I’m just moving in.”

“Well, you want to redo the house, so it’s better if you don’t have a lot of stuff in the way. You really just need the basics. Everything else will fall into place with every room you finish.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

“Of course, I’m right.”

“Oh! Wait, I need to grab the stuff for Kat and Eric’s wedding.”

I ran back to the couch and started gathering all the papers on the table in front of it. I had everything laid out in a specific order so that I knew exactly what still needed to be done.

“We don’t have much time until the wedding. I’m freaking out a little. I’ve never had to plan a wedding before.”

“I don’t think Kat and Eric really care. I may have fucked them over when I sent out that message on the Facebook town page.”

I huffed out a laugh. “You and your brothers cause so much trouble.”

“We just like to keep things interesting.”

“If that’s what you want to call it.”

I shoved the papers into a folder and then into my bag. “Alright, I’m ready. Wait, you talked to your brothers, right?”


“About helping me move?”

“Why would I do that? I’ll just show up and tell them to help me.”

“That’s not the way you do things.”

“That’s the way my family does things,” he grinned.

“If they show up next weekend and they’re pissed at me-“

“Relax,” he assured me. “Everything will be fine. Besides, by next weekend, Eric will just be happy to have you back at the office.”

I hoped he was right. Despite being thrilled about the prospect of moving into a new house, I was concerned how this was going Copyright 2016 - 2024