Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,50

she smiled.

“It’s not like I designed this stuff. Someone came in and did it for me.”

“Uh-huh,” she grinned. “I totally believe you.”

“I have the number of the designer. I could call her right now and prove it.”

“Oh, I’m sure. I don’t doubt you for a second.”

“But you still don’t believe me.”

“I believe you. I just think that you also like how expensive everything looks.”

“I don’t care about that stuff,” I said irritatedly.

“Are you sure?”

She picked up her glass of red wine and walked into the living room, taking a sip. “So, if I were to accidentally spill red wine on your very white carpet, you wouldn’t freak out about that?”

I clenched my jaw in irritation. “Of course, I would be upset. You’re doing it on purpose. I don’t go into your place and trash it just for fun.”

“But if it were an accident…”

I huffed in irritation. “I mean, I guess it’s not that big of a deal. I can have the carpet replaced.”

Her jaw dropped. “Replaced? You would replace your carpet before trying to get the stain out?”

I ran my hand over my eyes, already irritated with this conversation. “What does it matter?” I walked over and snatched the glass from her hand. “You’re talking about things that haven’t happened, nor will they happen because you’re not eating pizza or drinking red wine in my living room.”

My phone rang and I pulled it out, sighing when I saw it was my boss. “Mr. Mosley,” I answered with more enthusiasm than I felt. I watched as Anna walked back over to me and snatched her wine glass.

“Robert, I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time.”

Like I could tell him he was. Jameson Mosley didn’t care what time of day or night it was. If he wanted you for something, you answered the damn phone and you did it happily.

“Of course not, sir.”

“Good, good. I know it’s a holiday weekend, but I just heard from a discreet source that Rebecca Morrison is getting divorced. Apparently, she caught Chadwick cheating on her with the nanny.”

My jaw dropped. “Rebecca Morrison, as in…”

“The woman that owns half of Chicago,” he said. I could hear the grin in his voice.

“Sir, I’m not sure what you want me to do. I can represent her, but Illinois is no fault and-“

“I’m well aware of that. Tell me, did you file that application for reciprocity in New Hampshire?”


“Good. We’ll look into that immediately. I need you to come into the office now. Rebecca is on her way in to discuss moving forward with the divorce.”

I glanced over at Anna, who had taken her pizza to the living room and was smirking at me as she pretended to spill her drink on my carpet. I didn’t want to leave her. I promised her three days. If I left now, how was I going to convince her to stay with me?

“Sir, perhaps you should get Chelsea to take this case. Rebecca might be more comfortable with a woman representing her.”

“Chelsea isn’t a shark. She doesn’t have that killer instinct like you do. We need to land this case, Robert. Are you coming in or do I need to assume that you don’t want to become a senior partner in the firm?”

I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. I had been working toward partner since I joined the firm. I was one of the best attorneys in the best firm in Chicago. This offer had been dangling in front of me for the past year, but they refused to go through with it, wanting to keep me on my toes until some of the senior partners retired. If the rumors were correct, Davidson was retiring at the end of the year. That was only a little over a month away. If I landed this case, I would be a senior partner in the firm, and finally achieve what I had been trying for years.

“I’ll be in immediately,” I said, hanging up the phone with a sigh. I walked into the living room and Anna immediately knew something was wrong. “I have to go into work. It’s a big case and they need me to go in and meet with the client.”

“Oh. Well, how long do you think you’ll be?”

“I don’t know. I hope only a few hours.”

She smiled slightly, but I could tell even that was forced. “Well, I’ll see you when you get back.”

I nodded and leaned in to kiss her. “I’m really sorry about this. I promise Copyright 2016 - 2024