Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,35

protecting you by walking away. I can see now that I didn’t help, but it was never my intention to just walk away and forget you. I just thought you were better off without me. I got you in that situation.”

Kat snorted. “Now, that’s just ridiculous. Come on, just because we have vaginas doesn’t mean that we’re innocent.”

“And I never asked you to protect me,” Anna snapped.

I leaned in closer to Anna, lowering my voice. “Anna, you aren’t the same girl you were back then. You’re strong now, but back then, you were scared and innocent.”

“You know what? It doesn’t matter anymore, Robert. That was then and this is now. You never should have fought Carter. You knew he was baiting you.”

“And you never should have brought him to my brother’s house to begin with. You fucking knew what would happen, and you did it anyway. Maybe I fucked up back then, but tonight is on you,” I snapped.

“You know what?”

“No, what, Anna?”

“Fuck you. I didn’t ask to come here tonight. I got wrapped up in some twisted revenge plot between you and your brother. But that’s fine. I don’t need to see you ever again.”

“You’re not quitting, are you?” Eric asked, his voice panicked. “I can’t find another secretary.”

“Office manager,” Anna snapped.

Eric ran his hand through his hair and started pacing, his right eye twitching out of control. “Oh, God, I’m going to have to put an ad in the paper. Mrs. Cranston is going to answer and she’ll bake pie to try and get me to hire her.” He spun and grabbed Anna by the arms. “You can’t leave me! I can’t deal with Mrs. Cranston on my own!”

Anna struggled to get out of his arms. “Relax, I’m not quitting my job. I just meant that I don’t have to see him again,” she said, jerking her head in my direction. “Besides, why would I walk out when I have such great entertainment whenever Mrs. Cranston calls?”

“So…you’re not leaving?”

“Great,” I spat before I could think better of it. “Then you can go on your way. There’s no reason for you to be here anymore.”

The look of shock and hurt on her face made me instantly regret my words. I knew she didn’t have family to be with, yet I just kicked her out. And it wasn’t even that I didn’t want to see her. I always wanted to see her. I just couldn’t handle seeing her, knowing that she hated me so much. I had let her down, and it killed me to see that reminder around every corner.

For the first time since I’d seen Anna again, she ducked her head and hid her face from me, trying to hide her hurt from me. She grabbed her coat and purse, snatched my keys off the table, and ran out the door, stopping only on the porch to put on her coat.

“Way to go, asshole,” Eric said, punching me in the shoulder.

“Fuck.” I ran my hand over my head, cringing as I replayed those words in my head.

“You’re such an asshole. If she wasn’t sure if you ever loved her before, she knows now that you never did.”

I spun and glared at Will. “I fucking love her. I never stopped. I just can’t look at her and know that I fucked up her life while I’m living my fancy life in the city.”

“Well, you did an excellent job in portraying that guilt to her,” Andrew said. “I totally believe that you still love her and feel guilty.”

“I especially liked the part where she looked heartbroken and ready to cry,” Joe added. “That was a nice touch.”

“Why are you still standing here?” Kat asked.

“Because she doesn’t want me!”

“Of course she does, you big idiot! But you have to prove yourself to her again. You have to show her that you’re still the man she loved.”

“If I go after her, she’s gonna kick me in the balls.”

“And if you don’t go after her, she’s gonna kick me in the balls on Monday,” Eric glared.


I stormed out of Eric’s house and got in Robert’s car. I knew I shouldn’t just take it, but my ride was gone, and this was my only chance for a quick getaway. I saw Robert run out after me in the rearview mirror, but I was done. Whatever that bullshit was in there, I wasn’t playing along. I tore out of the driveway, noticing headlights following me down the road. I pushed it faster, needing to get Copyright 2016 - 2024