Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,21

now too. Sissy Roberts was going to design a wedding dress especially for Kat, but I guess now she’ll have to buy off the rack.” I made a cringing face. “Oh, and the guys were talking about building you a special archway, should you decide to have an outdoor wedding. But if they’re not involved…”

“Fine,” he sighed. “I get it. Just…make sure that it’s all tasteful. Kat wanted to have a small, intimate wedding. Try to keep it that way.”

“Don’t worry. I’m great at organizing. Remember the state of your office when I started here?”

He glanced around. “Yeah, I get it.”

“I’ll call Kat for you and explain the situation.”

“I can take care of it.”

I tilted my head and smiled. “So, you’re going to explain that you were too dickless to tell a few townspeople that you didn’t want their help? I’m sure I can spin it better than that for her.”

“Is there something other than the wedding to talk about this morning? Something that would be close to a job?”

I smiled and handed over a piece of paper to him. “Mrs. Cranston called this morning. She needs her light fixture in her kitchen moved.”

He snatched the paper out of my hand and grimaced. “This day fucking sucks.”

“Tell me about it.”


“Mr. Cortell, your six o’clock is here.”

I frowned at the desk phone and then quickly looked over my schedule. I didn’t remember scheduling a six o’clock appointment.

“Cindy, can I see you in my office for a moment?”

“Yes, sir.”

She walked in and stood with a pad and pen in her hand.

“Cindy, who is my six o’clock? I’m not showing anyone on the schedule.”

“Oh, it was a last minute client.”

“Then he should have been booked during regular hours.”

“This client asked specifically for a meeting after business hours. He’s a very high-profile client.”

I sighed and tossed my pen down on my desk. “Alright, send him in and then call over to Red Ginger Bistro in Cedar Lake, Indiana.”


“Yes, I have to pass through there for a meeting.”

“What would you like me to order?”

“Just grab a little of everything on the menu.”

“Yes, sir.”

I took a seat and glanced at my watch. I was going to have to wrap this up quickly if I was going to make my date with Anna. Shit, it was not a date. I wasn’t even sure what the hell I was doing. I could leave this all in her hands, but instead, I was rushing to get out of here and drive an hour away to see a woman that hated me. But ever since she came back into my life, I was finding it hard to keep her out of my thoughts. She was always lingering there, but lately, she was showing up more and more in all my thoughts and fantasies. It was driving me insane.

The door opened and Michael Jacobson III walked through my door. He was one of the richest men in the city. He had his fingers in every piece of business in the city. I wouldn’t be surprised if he even owned a piece of this company.

“Mr. Jacobson, please take a seat.”

He nodded and sat across from me. I was surprised to see him here. It was widely known that he and his wife were very much in love and were practically inseparable. And since I was a divorce lawyer, he wouldn’t be coming to me for any other reason.

“How can I help you today?”

“I want a divorce from my wife, but I need to make sure that I retain all control of my companies.”

“Do you have a copy of your prenuptial agreement?”

His jaw clenched in anger. “We never had one. When we got married, we were young and in love. I never thought that our marriage would dissolve. Back then, I had no money. We were just two kids in love.” He sighed and ran a hand over his forehead. “When I built my company, she was nervous about the amount of money I was making. She thought it would change me. It turns out, the only person it changed was her. She started going on shopping sprees to the point that I had to limit access to our accounts. Over the past few years, she’s started partying a lot. She claims that I’m too busy for her.”

“Are you?”

He shrugged lightly. “Possibly, but then I found out last week that she’s been cheating on me for the better part of five years. I had no idea.”

I internally cringed. This was not good. “Mr. Copyright 2016 - 2024