Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,110

in front of me and I pulled her between my legs, wrapping my hand around her thigh. Slowly, I slid my hand up to her ass and under her panties. I could hear her slight intake of breath as I ran my finger down the crease in her ass. Leaning forward, I nipped at the bottom button of my shirt, tearing it away with my teeth. I repeated it with the second and then moved the shirt apart with my nose, skimming it along her belly. I could feel her whole body shaking as I moved my fingers down to her pussy, running them just along the outside of her lips. She was already soaked for me.

Gripping her underwear between my teeth, I pulled them down her legs, just far enough that I could get a taste of her. With one finger, I teased her as my tongue slid along her clit. She tried to wriggle out of my grasp, but I held her close to me with my other hand, squeezing her thigh as I worked her clit with my tongue.

“Robert,” she gasped, tugging at my hair.

I slid back on the couch, pulling her with me until I was laying down and she was sitting on my face. I loved her taste, but I loved watching her come even more. I could feel her juices slide down my face as she started riding me, begging me to give her what she needed. She seemed to be struggling to get there, so I slid my finger to her ass, pressing against it. Her body jerked, so I added a little pressure, rubbing circles on her hole, wanting to feel my dick inside her. One of these days, I would take that hole and make her feel all of me inside her. Her legs shook and her body quaked as she came on my mouth. I took everything she gave me, and grinned up at her when she shook her head at me.

“I can’t believe you just did that.”


“Because I was trying to have a conversation with you and you totally hijacked my conversation.”

“It was for a good cause.”

“Oh yeah?” she smirked. “And what cause was that?”

“Pleasing my girlfriend. I figured a charitable donation would be something you would appreciate.”

“Oh, I definitely appreciated that,” she said, moving off me. She moved to undo my pants, but I stopped her. I had to talk to her about this party before I forgot. As it was, it was last minute, and I knew she wasn’t going to like it. Eating her pussy was one way for me to loosen her up before asking her.

“I have a Christmas party tomorrow. I was hoping you would come with me.”

She froze, her hand still on my dick as she looked up at me. “Tomorrow?”

I nodded. “I know it’s last minute, but I’ll take care of everything. All you have to do is show up at my place and everything will be waiting for you.”

She laughed, but I had a feeling it was one of those laughs that meant she was really pissed off at me. When she shoved off me and walked across the room, snatching her wine and draining it as fast as she could, I knew I wasn’t wrong.

“Why are you only telling me now?”

“I honestly forgot,” I said, telling her only half the truth. I had forgotten about the party, but my boss had reminded me three days ago. I just hadn’t wanted to give her a chance to back out of going with me, so I didn’t tell her until now.

“Robert, you can’t just spring this stuff on me at the last minute. I don’t have a dress or-“

“I told you, I’ll take care of all that. Hair, makeup, the works.”

She nodded, huffing in irritation. “So, you didn’t remember to tell me sooner, but you have time to bring in everything I would need at the last minute.”


“Why do you do this?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s like you’re trying to wield your resources against me.”

I shrugged slightly. “I would say I’m wielding them for you, but I’m guessing you’re not seeing it that way.”

“Robert, I really don’t want to go. I don’t like your boss, and I hate parties like that.”

“Look, I know it’s not your thing, but this is my job, and I have to go. I want you by my side.”

“Please don’t ask me to do this.”

“Anna, it’s a party. We mingle with some people, have a few drinks, and then Copyright 2016 - 2024