Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,11

arm around Kat’s waist and pulled her into his side. “I’d be fine with getting married tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow’s Sunday,” Will pointed out. “Nobody gets married on a Sunday.”

“Well, we’re not everybody else,” Eric snapped.

“I’m not getting married tomorrow,” Kat said. “I want a real wedding, something special.”

“I’m not waiting until next spring. That’s too far away. Besides, we can keep it small, just our family.”

“We could do a Christmas wedding,” Kat beamed. “It’s far enough away that we could still pull off something simple.”

I grinned and discreetly pulled out my phone, pulling up the town Facebook page. #Kat&EricGetMarried- Christmas wedding. Any ideas?

“It would be nice, but what if it doesn’t snow?” Joe asked. “You’d just have mud outside.”

“Yeah, winters have sucked lately. Last year, it was fifty degrees over Christmas,” Andrew added.

“Bring in a snow machine,” Will suggested.

“I’m not bringing in a snow machine. When I marry Kat, I want everything to be perfect. A snow machine would be a huge hassle.”

I checked my phone again.

Mrs. Cranston

I’ll make the cake! I have the perfect recipe!

Jeannie Jax

I’ll check with the church first thing in the morning. Should I plan for the whole town?

Carly Summers

No! They should get married under their tree! Remember that sweet picture that we saw from the funeral? It would be a perfect place to get married. And plenty of room for everyone to show up.

Bessie Phillips

That would be depressing. You want them to get married where their daughter is buried?!

Angela Fuergeson

I’ll take care of the flowers. Oh! A winter wedding will be so beautiful. Just think of red roses against the white snow.

Bessie Phillips

If it snows. When was the last time we had a white Christmas?

John Henderson

The diner can provide the food. We could have pigs in a blanket for appetizers and then I can make my famous chili.

Jeannie Jax

You can’t serve chili at a wedding!

John Henderson

Why not? My chili is awesome!

Jeannie Jax

You really think a room full of people is the best place to serve beans?

I snorted, completely oblivious to the conversation around me. They looked up at me curiously. I grinned and waved my phone at them. “It looks like your wedding is being handled.”

“What?” Kat screeched, rushing around to snatch my phone away. She looked at the phone, her eyes moving furiously back and forth. “Oh my God! Why would you do this?”

“Do what?” Eric asked.

“Pigs in a blanket and chili?” She screeched again.

“What is she talking about?”

“The town is taking care of your wedding,” I grinned.

“They’re what?” He stood, shoving his chair away from the table and stomping around to stand behind Kat. He stared over her shoulder at the phone.

“This is a disaster!”

“I think it’s nice,” I grinned, drinking my beer. “Even Mrs. Cranston wants to be part of it.”

“His creepy stalker?” Kat snapped.

“Hey, Mrs. Cranston is sweet. She just appreciates the male form.”

Joe and Andrew chuckled along with me while Will continued to scroll through the feed.

“Look, the town practically lived and breathed your relationship. I think it’s only right that they get to share in your day with you.”

Eric looked up from the phone and glared at me. Okay, so he was a little pissed at me, but Joe and Will got to have their fun with the Facebook page. Why shouldn’t I?

Eric calmly set down the phone and smiled at me. This was bad. If Eric was calm, that meant something else was going on, and I wasn’t going to like it.

“Did I mention that we’re having a guest on Thanksgiving?”

“No. Who?”

He smirked at me. “Anna.”

“What? Why the hell would you invite my ex-girlfriend to Thanksgiving dinner?”

“She doesn’t have anyone to spend it with. It was the least I could do.”

“No, the least you could do was mind your own fucking business.”

“Like you did here?”

I glared at him. “Not the same thing. You don’t know what the hell you’re messing with.”

I shoved out of my chair and headed for the door.

“We might if you would actually tell us what happened between you two,” Eric pointed out.

That wasn’t going to happen. There was no way I would ever tell him what happened between Anna and me. It was too embarrassing. And in the end, I knew they would take Anna’s side. I left, not wanting to be around anyone else tonight. Eric followed me outside, refusing to let it go.

“Why the hell won’t you tell us?”

“Because you’ll hate me,” I said, unlocking my car.

“Well, now I really want to know.”

“Too bad. I’m not going to tell you.”

“Robert, I could never hate Copyright 2016 - 2024