Collaring Chaz (Dante's Infernal #2) - Joel Abernathy Page 0,50

for richer or poorer and for better or worse, and to love him tender for the rest of your lives?”

I groaned internally. It was almost classy up to that point, but the idiots were happy, so who was I to judge?

“I do,” Cash said eagerly, grinning even wider.

The minister swiveled his hips and pointed at Dante. “And do you, Dante Jung, take Cash to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love, honor and obey, and be stuck on him forever, ‘til death do you part?”

“I do,” Dante said, staring up at the taller man like he’d hung the damn moon.

“Alright,” Fake Elvis said, looking out at the small crowd that had gathered to celebrate their union. “Now, if there are any suspicious minds here tonight, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

To my relief, no one looked my way. Guess I wasn’t as hopelessly obvious as I feared. Once an acceptable length of time had passed, the minister gave a dramatic flourish of his cape and leaned into the microphone.

“Then by the power vested in me by God, the beautiful state of Nevada, and the spirit of the King himself, I now pronounce you husbands. You may now kiss the groom, thank you very much.”

Cash wasted no time slipping an arm around Dante’s waist and pulling him in for an open-mouthed kiss that went on way too long for comfort.

And yet, I didn’t feel a twinge of the jealousy I’d feared would work its way into a moment that was supposed to be pure, and solely about them. Instead, I felt…


Genuinely happy, and relieved that it was over, not because it had been the gut-wrenching affair I’d imagined time and again, but because now I could stop living in the past. I could stop living for something that was never meant to be, and start enjoying the reality I had been taking for granted.

Bonnie squealed with joy, jumping up and down so hard the petals shook off the bouquet in her hand. Even Drake looked like he was on the verge of feeling an actual human emotion, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say he was teary eyed as he embraced his son.

When it was my turn to offer up my congratulations, I became suddenly afraid I’d end up stumbling over my words, or inadvertently say something to give the wrong impression. To my relief, the words came easily enough.

“That was a beautiful ceremony. Somehow,” I told them. “Congratulations to you both. I’m so happy for you.”

It was nice to mean it unreservedly for the first time, with no caveats or unspoken strings attached.

Dante threw his arms around my neck and hugged tight. “I’m glad you could be here.”

“Me, too,” Cash said, putting his brawny arms around us both in a crushing bear hug I got the brunt of. I wasn’t sure if it was meant as a threat, but it sure as hell got the message across, and that message was he could break me in half.

Once I could breathe again, we were gently shooed to the adjacent hall for a dry reception. I found Chaz, which was easy enough in the small crowd, but he was talking to a few of the other guests who’d come specifically for the reception and seemed in no hurry to end the conversation.

Well, I could wait. And I did.

For the rest of the night.

By the time Cash and Dante had gone off to enjoy their mini honeymoon, I had come to the inescapable conclusion that Chaz was actively avoiding me. And I couldn’t say I blamed him. I’d been emotionally MIA for the last week, and if anything, he was a little too willing to give me space. I knew he wouldn’t outright tell me he needed more, which made me feel even shittier for not offering it.

Just another thing to tack onto the long list of shit I needed to apologize for now that I had my head on right.

I caught a glimpse of him heading out through the back door and ran after him. “Chaz!” I called, loud enough that he could definitely hear me. Instead, he just kept walking with his head down.

Okay, now I knew without a shadow of a doubt he was avoiding me. I probably should have left it, but instead, I quickened my pace and grabbed his arm.

He spun around and seemed startled enough that I wondered if maybe he really hadn’t heard me. Hell, he was right next to Cash’s drum Copyright 2016 - 2024