Coldhearted Boss - R.S. Grey Page 0,95

like I fantasized he would, his hands moving over my soapy, slick skin, his lips on my neck.

A part of me feels guilty for how happy I am. I know how much my mom is struggling and when I get paid again, it feels good to mail home that check, knowing how much she needs it. I insist she keep every penny for herself and for McKenna. I call home a couple times a week, always glad when McKenna updates me with good news about school. Summer will start soon, and she, Lilian, and Brittany have all been accepted to attend a six-week robotics and engineering camp at the University of Texas put on solely for young women. Better still, the camp is completely free to attendees thanks to a generous donation from Michael Dell.

I tell Ethan about it after I hang up the call and he grins, happy for her.

“But wait, why do you look like that?” he asks.

“Like what?”


I immediately ease my expression. “If I looked annoyed, it’s just because I’m hungry.”

His eyes narrow as he studies me. “Do you not want her to go to the camp? Are you worried about her in Austin? Because I could have Isla check up on her, and you and I could even go back on the weekends—”

“No, it’s not that.” I turn and start putting away some of the laundry I left folded on top of the dresser, happy to have an activity that puts my back to him.

“Okay, then what is it?”

“It’s silly. I shouldn’t be jealous of my own sister. I want the best for McKenna.”

“You want to go to Austin?”

I squeeze my eyes closed, annoyed that he can’t read my mind. “No! That’s stupid, I—”

“Want to go to college?”

I freeze, carefully assessing his words. Does he seem shocked? Incredulous at the idea? No, just curious.

I sigh, keeping my attention down on my hands as they toy with a button on one of his folded shirts. “Yes, actually. It’s something I didn’t get the chance to do, and I wish sometimes I were in McKenna’s shoes. Things were different when I was in high school.”

“Because of your mom and Lonny?”

I nod, glad I opened up to him the other day while we were in the bath. It feels better now that he knows more of my history.

“With only a high school diploma, I don’t have many options. You’ve seen that firsthand. I worry about what jobs I can possibly hope to get in the future when I go back to Oak Dale. I refuse to go back to working at that motel.”

“Well, there are a million colleges in Austin, so just apply to one of them.”

I frown, unnerved by how easy he makes it sound. “Why in the world would I do that?”

“Because that’s where we’ll be living after this project wraps up.”

I laugh then, shoving away from the dresser. “Oh my god, listen to yourself. You’re such a control freak!”

“Oh, sorry. Here, let me try again: I think you and I should live in Austin, together. Was that better?”

“Not at all.”

He catches me as I try to walk around him and squashes me against him. I have no hope of escaping. “Okay, so we’ll talk about Austin later. Like next week.”

“Next month.”


I groan, glad he swoops his mouth down to mine and effectively ends the discussion. I don’t like talking about these things. I don’t like pinning hope where none belongs.

I should be grateful for right now, for this job and my time with Ethan, especially because life has taught me time and time again how fleeting happiness can be.

Chapter 29


I know Ethan’s partners are coming today because he woke up early then was ready and out of the cabin before I even managed to crawl out of bed. The client—the resort company behind this development—will be here too. I’m excited for them to see the progress of the build. So much has happened in the last few weeks. With the framing in progress, the hotel is starting to take shape, and they’re moving on to other buildings as well.

The weather is working on our side. The trees and wildflowers are in full bloom along the path to the camp, and the cool morning breeze offsets the blazing sun.

Max is in the mess hall, finishing up his breakfast when I walk in. I smile and wave, and he shoots to his feet to join me in line.

“Hey, I was waiting for you.”

I blanche, feeling bad for not Copyright 2016 - 2024