Coldhearted Boss - R.S. Grey Page 0,93

Hudson says with a frown.

“I was careful,” she teases.

“Probably not careful enough,” I respond.

Jesus, my voice is husky, and I’m seconds away from sweeping everything off my desk and dragging her down onto it.

Hudson is completely oblivious. “Ethan’s right. I hope you don’t do that often. Truly, it’s much safer to swim during the day.”

After assuring Hudson she’ll be much more careful in the future, she turns to leave without any more private smiles in my direction. I’m left…wanting.

It gets worse at lunch, when I walk into the mess hall with Robert and find her sitting at a table with some of the crew. Her little puppy Max is in the seat beside her.

I remember what Hudson said about them—that they used to date way back when—and it has me tempted to make a fool of myself. I’ve never been a jealous monster, but then I’ve also never had to keep a secret like this. The fact is when the crew left on Friday, Taylor was fair game. Now, she’s not, and I’d prefer they all know that.

I feel her gaze on me as I walk across the cafeteria, but I keep my attention on Robert and the story he’s telling. If Taylor wants me to hide our relationship, it’s probably better I keep a safe distance in a room with so many spectators.

In the afternoon, she comes into the trailer to do some work. I’m on the phone with our client, discussing the progress of the project.

“The concrete pour went well. Did you get the photos we sent?”

Taylor finds the papers I left for her on Hudson’s desk and starts flipping through them. I move my gaze down her slowly as the client asks about the next steps.

“We’ll begin framing this week, so you’ll be able to see the progress during your site visit in two weeks. Soon after, we’ll install the air barriers.”

Taylor frowns at a piece of paper and then carries it over, mouthing her question.

“Does this need to be filed?”

I nod and she turns to leave, but I catch her wrist, keeping her there beside me. My thumb brushes her pulse point and I lean back in my chair, looking up at her, appreciating this quiet moment after a hectic morning.

The client asks more about the site check and I confirm that my partners will be here as well. “Steven will walk you through the framed building so you and your team can confirm everything has been placed in accordance with the blueprints, even if it’s still in progress.”

Taylor smiles down at me and I tug her closer, bringing her down onto my lap.

She protests, but I shake my head, knowing she’ll do as I say while I’m on the phone. She’s nothing if not a dutiful employee.

I wrap my arm around her waist. She sits perfectly quiet with her head against my chest. A sudden warmth takes hold of me and I realize I’d want her to stay here like this all day if it were possible.

“While I’ve got you here, I got a call from our interiors coordinator in Austin and she mentioned that your team was still wavering on window selections for the patio on the west elevation. We’ll need to put in that order soon if you don’t want delays.”

The client assures me they’ll confer with the Austin office and make their decision soon, and then the call ends.

Taylor is still on my lap, but when I set my phone back down on my desk, she attempts to stand.

“Someone is going to walk in.” She frowns as I pull her back down onto me. “Ethan…”

I silence her protests with a soft kiss, my hand wrapping around the back of her neck. She doesn’t give in to it right away; in fact, she sits perfectly still while I tease her mouth, parting her lips. She smiles and leans against me and I tilt my head, finally kissing her deeply. Her hand flattens over my heart and she softens, accepting my advances and meeting them with desires of her own. Our tongues touch and her moan is hot wax dripping down my skin. I pull her up higher on my lap and slip my hand between her jean-clad thighs.

The door to the trailer opens and Taylor flies off me, the back of her hand flat against her mouth as Robert walks in with Hudson. They’re talking animatedly about a basketball game when Robert’s gaze catches on Taylor’s back. He frowns and glances to me, Copyright 2016 - 2024