Cold Queen - K Webster Page 0,8

unusual. So nice.

Focus, Elzira.

He’s the enemy.

I start to pull away, but his fingers bite into my thigh. The heat grows more intense. Not enough to hurt me. It certainly has me yielding to him for fear of what else he can do. I grow still, my eyes searching his.

“Why my sister?” I murmur. “She’s my only family left.”

He scowls at me, his grip loosening. “I didn’t say I was going to kill her, Queen. I just wanted to marry her. Are you always so stubborn and protective? It’s as though there’s a heart hiding beneath all those layers of ice.”


His brow arches. “What?”

“You can stop with all the names, Bloodsun. My name is Elzira.”

He drags his stare up my body, lingering at my lips, before his amber orbs lock with mine. “Elzira. A beautiful name.”

I wait for him to elaborate or call me a cold queen again. Nothing comes out.

“I’m Ryke.”

A shiver makes my body shake and he frowns.

“I thought you liked the cold,” he growls, his amber orbs flashing with anger and confusion.

“I am the cold,” I mutter weakly.

He yanks the furs out from beneath me before covering me with them. Then his palms press down on my shoulder and my hip, his heat warming me through the furs. I close my eyes and revel in the warmth. Tears leak out of my eyes as I suppress a relieved sob.

Ryke leaves the bed, but the warmth he gifted me with remains. I’m about to drift to sleep, thankful for the most comfort I’ve had in years, when I hear him tossing logs into the fireplace.

A blood-curdling scream leaves my lips. “Ryke, no!”

He rises to his feet, yanking out his sword as his eyes search the room. But it’s not men I’m afraid of.

“T-The sichee s-spores,” I choke out. “T-The fire will hatch them.” I wriggle until I’m sitting up on the bed, the furs sliding off me, once again stealing my heat. But I have to protect Yanna.

He narrows his eyes at me. “What happens if they hatch?”

My entire body trembles. “T-They escape. Yanna is allergic. S-She c-could d-die.”

“Sichee crawlers?” he asks, dropping to a knee and setting down his sword so he can peer into the fireplace.

I’m nodding when the fireplace bursts into flames.

“Nooo!” I stumble from the bed, tripping over my dress, as I run for him.

With quick movements, he rises to his feet and yanks me against his chest. “Calm down, Elzira.” His tone is fierce and commanding.

I stare at the flickering flames with my boot poised and ready to stomp on the sichee crawlers. They’ll find her. I can’t let them escape.

His strong fingers bite into my jaw, forcing me to look up at him. Up close, I can see flecks of gold in his amber eyes. He’s truly too handsome. It shouldn’t be allowed. I’m distracted by him.

“There are no sichee spores,” he assures me, his brows furling together.

“B-But my servant. He c-checked this morning.”

He clenches his jaw. “Your servant was wrong. Perhaps you should tell me his name so I could light a fire under him as well.” His thumb drags along my jaw. “I’ve had a long journey here and I need rest. You’re swooning on your feet. We’ll talk at dawn.”

I cry out in surprise when he scoops me into his arms. He carries me over to the bed and once again places me on it. This time, though, he kicks out of his boots and sheds his cape before placing his crown on the table beside my bed. I glower at him as he sheds more layers of clothes. But when he peels away the last of his clothing covering his chest, I gape in wonder. His muscles are perfectly formed and bulging. I’m mesmerized by the grooves that cut through his lower stomach. And the dark trail of hair that disappears into his trousers…

“I’m too tired for the wicked things you have planned, snowflake,” he says with a dark chuckle. “Tomorrow we can negotiate properly.”

He climbs into the bed, pulling the covers over the both of us. His palm finds my hip, drawing me closer. The heat is almost addictive. I hate how easily he’s stoked the madness inside me. I should be trying to escape and save my sister. Not hoping he tugs me nearer so I can sleep without shivering for once in my miserable life.

As if in tune with my thoughts, he brings me closer. His scent is unfamiliar, but nice. Evil, villainous kings shouldn’t smell Copyright 2016 - 2024