The Cold Light of Mourning - By Elizabeth J. Duncan Page 0,19

floor along with a little pile of running gear.

“The clothes she brought with her seem to be there,” said Anne thoughtfully, “and she’s already moved some into the Hall. I don’t know what she was wearing this morning, I don’t know everything she brought with her, but it all looks okay. The thing is, though, what about the jewellery?”

She turned to the manager.

“Meg Wynne had some beautiful pieces with her. We brought a couple of boxes down ourselves last night,” she said. “Do you know if others were placed with you for safekeeping?”

“We were given a few boxes,” he replied, “but of course I wouldn’t know what was in them. Mrs. Geraint gave Ms. Thompson a receipt for them, and as far as I know, they’re still in the safe.”

The group looked at one another in silence as Emyr sank down on the edge of the bed.

“Well,” he said, “she isn’t here now, and I have no idea what’s going on, or what to do. What time is it, anyway?”

Anne glanced at her watch. “It’s getting on for one.”

Emyr sighed.

“I think what we should do, all we can do, really, is carry on. We can’t call it off. What if she came back only to find we’d given up on her? That would be …” The uncompleted sentence hung in the air.

He stood up and walked over to the dresser where Meg Wynne had left a few toiletries. He picked up her favourite perfume, gently removed the cap, and after a moment’s hesitation, closed his eyes and held the bottle to his nose.

Anne and Jennifer moved at the same time toward him.

“It’s okay,” he said. “Go downstairs and get the hairdresser. Let’s do it. We’ve got people driving in from England all the way to Wales, and everything’s all arranged. Come on, you’ve got to get ready.”

With one last look around, the friends filed out, leaving the manager to pull the door quietly shut behind them.

“Emyr,” said Anne, turning to him when they were in the corridor, “I’m sorry, but I have to say this. I think we should ring around the hospitals. What if she’s been hurt?”

Emyr looked startled.

“Maybe you’re right. I’ll do it when I get home,” he said as they walked on. “In the meantime, go to your rooms and I’ll tell the hairdresser to go on up.”

Anne and Jennifer exchanged a quick glance, and Anne spoke for both of them.

“I’m moving my gear into Jennifer’s room. Tell the hairdresser to come to room two-oh-six. But give us ten minutes.”

Emyr nodded, and with the manager, headed in the direction of the stairs as Anne and Jennifer returned to their rooms.

A few minutes later Anne, laden with an armful of bags and clothes, pushed her way into Jennifer’s room, threw the clothes on the nearest bed, and sat down beside them.

“I’m really starting to get scared, Jenn. I’m beyond worried. It’s all seeming like a bad dream now, that I can’t wake up out of. It’s just going on and on.”

Jennifer looked thoughtfully at her.

“There’s one thing I don’t get,” Anne went on. “Is Emyr in complete and utter denial? Why would he not call the police? They might be able to help. That’s what they’re here for and they’re good at this kind of thing. They know what to do. We don’t. Or at least I don’t.”

Jennifer pushed the pile of clothes out of the way and sat down beside her friend.

“I know, Anne. I feel the same. But we’ve got to do this, like Emyr says. I don’t think we have a choice. Look, let’s send down for some sandwiches, cold drinks, and fruit so at least we can have a bit of lunch. I’m not particularly hungry, but it’s something we should do. It’s like in those awful movies when things start to go wrong, and someone will say, ‘You have to keep your strength up,’ or,” and Anne joined in, ‘What you need is a nice cup of tea!’ ”

They smiled at each other, and then Anne reached for the telephone.

“I think there’s something in that,” she said. “Actually, I do fancy a nice cup of tea. Do us good. I’ll order one for the hair-dresser, too. What was his name, again?

“Alberto,” said Jennifer.

“Alberto,” laughed Anne. “In real life, he’s probably Benny from Birmingham and nobody took any notice of him until he went upmarket as Alberto.”

The brief burst of laughter had eased their tension and a few moments later when Alberto appeared, they Copyright 2016 - 2024