Cold as Ice (Lucy Kincaid #17) - Allison Brennan Page 0,156

Sometimes I fail, but I think mostly I succeed. And sometimes, I rely on my readers’ willing suspension of disbelief.

I have been so blessed over the nearly fifteen years I’ve been published to have cultivated an extensive group of experts who help me learn what I don’t know. Doctors, nurses, cops, FBI agents, a SWAT commander, lawyers, firefighters, accountants, and more. Sometimes I intentionally strain plausibility in order to serve the story—but because of the selfless help of others, I’m able to get things mostly right, which hopefully makes your reading experience that much more enjoyable.

I’ve acknowledged author Robin Burcell, a retired police officer and forensic artist, several times in the past. Robin is one of the most selfless writers I know and always willing to help her fellow writers with details. One of the best things about having a former cop as a writer is that Robin understands that you can’t put in every detail about investigating a crime. She understands how we need to focus on the core story and details complement that story. In Cold as Ice, Robin went above and beyond in helping me get my opening right—or at least believable. When Sean is arrested, I needed to make sure that those details were accurate. That they could arrest him, how they would arrest the husband of a law enforcement officer, what courtesies might be extended. We exchanged more than a dozen emails going over this one chapter, and I am forever grateful. If I tweaked a detail to serve the story, that’s on me.

Another person who went above and beyond in helping with this book was Mark Pryor, a prosecutor from Texas, who explained warrants and interviews and probable cause and a whole host of legal issues. I’ll admit, sometimes the legal issues trip me up because I’m not a lawyer and common sense can only take you so far. If I got anything wrong here—that’s totally on me.

Thank you, Robin and Mark! This book is better because of your help.

Many people make my books shine. First and foremost, my editor, Kelley Ragland. A great editor is worth her weight in gold, and Kelley is priceless. She knows my strengths and weaknesses and helps me maximize what I do best and fix what I do wrong. She asks smart questions and makes sure the story is well-paced, the characters true, and the ending satisfying. I would not be a bestselling writer without a great editor behind me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Supporting Kelley are many people who make everything in the publishing process work. Joseph Brosnan, in marketing, does more than “market.” He manages the terrific blog Criminal Element, he and his team provide me fabulous graphics for social media, he has great ideas, and he always has a smile on his face. Who cares that he’s a Yankees fan? (Hahaha.) Madeline Houpt, Kelley’s right hand, is invaluable day-to-day in juggling me and so many other authors. The art department is amazing—Cold as Ice is one of my favorite Lucy Kincaid covers. And a special shout-out to Macmillan Audio for all their hard work on the Lucy audiobooks!

Last but never least, my agent, Dan Conaway, has stuck with me, a neurotic and prolific author, for ten years now. Ten years … longer than many marriages! Ha. Thank you, Dan, for keeping me sane and focused and managing my business with professionalism and a touch of humor. And thank you for bringing in Lauren Carsley as your right hand to stay on top of everything. Lauren, you rock.

I have been blessed to have a family who is super supportive of my writing. My mom, who gets the first copy of each of my books and reads it in one day. My husband, Dan, who gives me the space to create and never thinks twice when I ask him odd questions like, “Where can I steal C-4? Or is there a better way to blow something up?” My kids, all five of them, have been used as sounding boards for years, and take it in stride. I am lucky to have you all.

To my readers, who love Lucy and Sean as much as I do: THANK YOU. Seventeen books, six novellas, and one short story later … thank you for reading and keeping Lucy strong. Without you, there would be no stories. I am forever grateful that you’ve helped me do what I love best: write.

Happy Reading,


Don’t miss the Lucy Kincaid e-novella


By Allison Brennan

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