Cold as Ice (Lucy Kincaid #17) - Allison Brennan Page 0,14

She didn’t have any connection to human trafficking, and Sean made sure she didn’t use underage girls. She helped us last year, remember?”

“I do. I just don’t buy that whole prostitute with a heart of gold bullshit.”

Lucy laughed. She shouldn’t, but she needed to. “Trust me, she has no heart of gold. It’s all about self-preservation, and Sean made it clear to her that if she crossed that line he would take her down.” She bit her lip. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Don’t censor yourself around me. If you want to go get Jesse, I can stay here.”

She did … but what would she tell him? “It’s early. I have no information for him, and he’s going to have questions. I’ll get him when I know something.”

The house phone rang, which was a rarity, and she practically ran to Sean’s office to grab it. “Yes?”

“Sean asked Nico to track Elise Hunt. Why?”

It was JT and he sounded angry.

“She was released from juvie three weeks ago, but she’s in Los Angeles.” And Nico was a PI in L.A. “I don’t know why Sean would keep tabs on her.”

“Has she threatened you?”

“No. I was told about her release. She turned eighteen and they cut her loose. I made my statement when she was arraigned two years ago.”

“Which was?”

“That she’s a danger to society and needs to be tried as an adult, not given a minimum security plea deal. They opted to give her juvie until her eighteenth birthday. You should know all that.”

“I do, but you testified against her, right?”

“Yes. So did Sean, Detective Mancini, Brad, others. You can’t possibly think that Elise Hunt is behind this.”

“I know what Nico told me. Sean called him Monday night and asked him to find out where Elise Hunt is living, what she’s doing, her associates, the exact terms of her release, the whole nine yards. He’s been following her. Staked out her house starting early Tuesday—didn’t lay eyes on her until late that afternoon. He’s been sending reports to Sean, he’s sending them to me now. Sean didn’t tell you any of this?”

“No,” she said, her chest tight. Mona Hill had betrayed Elise Hunt. Was that why Sean went to see her? Because he wanted to warn her about Elise’s release? He could have called her. He didn’t have to go there in person.

“I told Nico to keep close tabs on her for the time being, but we need to know what was going through Sean’s head. There are no restrictions on Elise—no parole, no probation. She was given a plane ticket to Los Angeles because that’s where she has property that she inherited from her family—what wasn’t seized under asset forfeiture laws.”

“Someone had to be taking care of the property,” Lucy said. “They owned it free and clear, but there would be property taxes and other expenses.”

“Nico said that three people live there other than Elise. All he has are names and basic descriptions; he gave that to Sean, who was running a background check on them, but now we’re doing it from here. He’s sending us photos as well.”

JT continued. “RCK has retained a law firm for Sean. Garrett Lee is an investigator with the law firm, a former cop who we’ve worked with in the past. He’ll be working with you on any warrant issues. He’s based in San Antonio and he has a good relationship with SAPD. Felicity Duncan is a criminal defense lawyer in Houston, with the same firm, and she’ll be representing Sean during this process. She is hands down one of the best criminal defense lawyers in Texas. Hell, the country. Sean is in good hands.”

Lucy closed her eyes, tears burning, but she controlled them. She would not break down.

“Lucy, you okay?”

“I need to do something.” Every word was difficult to get out.

“Garrett will contact you directly. Until we know exactly what’s going on, you play everything by the book. Get badge numbers, IDs, confirm everything—including Garrett’s identity. He’s a six-foot-two-inch, half-black, half-Chinese health nut. He would be difficult to miss, but assume nothing. Do not talk to the police without Garrett with you, understand?”

“I can’t just sit here.”

“For now you can. They’re not going to let you see Sean until after he’s booked. We need Nate to stay with Jesse—if this is at all connected to Elise Hunt, until either Jack or Kane get there, Nate is the only one I trust. Understand?”

“I haven’t told Nate. I didn’t want to tell him over text.”

“Jack did. Nate Copyright 2016 - 2024