Cold Days (The Dresden Files #14) - Jim Butcher Page 0,150

do it as well.”


“Because if you don’t, I . . . I . . . might pull your arms out of your sockets.”

At that, she frowned. “Why?”

“Because I have to maintain discipline, don’t I?”

“True,” she said gravely. “But I have no clothes.”

I counted to ten mentally. “I’ll . . . find something for you. Until then, no desocketing. Just wear the armor. Fair enough?”

Lacuna bowed slightly at the waist. “I understand, my lord.”

“Good.” I sighed. I flicked a comb through my wet hair, for all the good it would do, and said, “How do I look?”

“Mostly human,” she said.

“That’s what I was going for.”

“You have a visitor, my lord.”

I frowned. “What?”

“That is why I came in here. You have a visitor waiting for you.”

I stood up, exasperated. “Why didn’t you say so?”

Lacuna looked confused. “I did. Just now. You were there.” She frowned thoughtfully. “Perhaps you have brain damage.”

“It would not shock me in the least,” I said.

“Would you like me to cut open your skull and check, my lord?” she asked.

Someone that short should not be that disturbing. “I . . . No. No, but thank you for the offer.”

“It is my duty to serve,” Lacuna intoned.

My life, Hell’s bells. I beckoned Lacuna to follow me, mostly so I would know where the hell she was, and went back out into the main room.

Sarissa was there.

She sat at the kitchen table, her small hands clutched around one of Molly’s mugs, and she looked like hell. There was a dark red mouse on her left cheekbone, one that was swelling and beginning to purple nicely. Her hands and forearms were scraped and bruised—defensive injuries. She wore a pale blue T-shirt and dark blue cotton pajama pants. Both were soaked from the rain and clinging in a fashion that made me want to stare. Her dark hair was askew, and her eyes were absolutely haunted. They darted nervously toward me when I appeared, and her shoulders hunched slightly.

Molly said something quiet to her and rose from the table, crossing the room to me.

“She said you knew her,” Molly said.

“I do. She all right?”

“She’s a mess,” Molly said. “Showed up and begged security to call me before they called the cops. And it isn’t the first time this has happened to her. She’s terrified to be here—terrified of you personally, I think.”

I frowned at my apprentice.

Molly shrugged. “Her emotions are really loud. I’m not even trying to pick anything up.”

“Okay,” I said.

“Is she on the level?”

I thought about it for a second before I answered. “She’s Mab’s BFF.”

“So that would be a no, then,” Molly said.

“Probably so,” I said. “There’s bound to be an angle here, even if she doesn’t know that there is one. She’s a pawn in Winter. Somebody has got to be moving her.”

Molly winced.

“She’s also a lifelong survivor in Winter, so don’t let your guard down. The last creature who did wound up as frozen kibble.” I jerked my head toward the exit. “Heard anything from the scouts yet?”

She shook her head.

“Okay. We’ll talk to her. Stay close. I might need to pick your brain about something later.”

“Right,” Molly said, blinking a little. Then she followed me back over to Sarissa.

She gave me a nervous smile, and her fingers resettled on the mug a couple of times. “Harry.”

“I didn’t realize you made house calls all the way to Chicago,” I said.

“I wish it were that,” she said.

I nodded. “How did you know where to find me?”

“I was given directions,” she said.

“By who?”

She swallowed and looked down at the tabletop. “The Redcap.”

I sat back slowly in my seat. “Maybe you’d better tell me what happened.”

“He came for me,” she said quietly, without meeting my eyes. “He came this morning. I was hooded, bound, and taken somewhere. I don’t know where. I was there for several hours. Then he came back, took my hood off, and sent me here. With this.”

She reached down to her lap and put a plain white envelope on the table. She pushed it toward me.

I took it. It wasn’t sealed. I opened it, frowned, and then turned it upside down over the table.

Several tufts of hair bound with small bits of string fell out, along with a small metal object.

Molly drew in a sharp breath.

“He said to tell you that he’s taken your friends,” Sarissa said quietly.

I picked up the tufts of hair one at a time. Wiry black, slightly crinkled hairs, sprinkled with silver ones. Butters. Red hairs, luscious and curly. Andi. And a Copyright 2016 - 2024