Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,73

Clyde Realty.”

“Hi, this is Misha Gallagher. I apologize for the late call, but I’m interested in the storefront in the shopping center in Hagerstown.”

“Hello, Ms. Gallagher. I’ve been expecting your call.”

“Jake did that for me?”

Drew pours two glasses of wine and hands me one. “Apparently, Jake is friends with the person who owns the property beside the coffee shop. When she told him the space was coming up for rent, he mentioned that you were looking for a bakery and that the space would be perfect for you. She told her realtor that she wanted you to have first consideration.”

As I sip my wine, I try to wrap my mind around the thought. “With the exception of the concert, I’ve avoided him like the plague for two months. Why would he still be doing nice things for me? I don’t deserve them.”

“No, you don’t.” Drew stands from the couch and towers over me. “He’s hurting, just like you are, Misha. You’ve forgiven your sister, the one who formulated the entire situation, but not Jake. What the hell is the problem?”

Drew’s demanding tone catches me off guard, which immediately puts me in defense mode.

“Excuse me?”

“Look, you’re my best friend, and when this shit went down, I was totally Team Misha. But if you’re going to continue to mope around and blame him for doing nothing but loving you, then I’m switching teams. Think about it.”

Drew leaves my apartment, and I’m stunned.

I know he’s not wrong. In fact, I’ve been thinking of exactly what Drew said for the last few days, but one thing lingers in my mind.


Fear that trust might not be able to be repaired between us.

How could Jake have been with me and been an escort at the same time?

The silence in the house is overwhelming, so much so that when my email notification on my phone pings, I jump out of my skin. I open my email to find a message from the realtor, confirming our appointment tomorrow morning to look at the property.

My inbox is full of unchecked emails, most of which are from Jake. I click on one from yesterday, and just as his note suggested, he was telling me about the property.


Please, for the love of God, if you’re reading these damn emails, just call the realtor. Don’t pass up an opportunity for a storefront because of me. If you really want me to leave you alone, I swear I won’t bother you at all once the bakery is open, but you deserve to make your dream a reality. Now is your chance.


I open a few other emails from Jake, dated over the last three days, with very similar messages. There is an email address that I don’t recognize, and typically, I would delete emails from senders I don’t know; however, the subject line—Jake—causes me to open it.

Good evening, Misha.

My name is Natasha. I was Jake and Mandy’s manager while they were working for Cordial Companions Inc. When the situation with Mandy was brought to light, I knew this was something I needed to send to you. Jake has always been a great friend, and I want nothing but happiness for his future. Please read the email he sent to me and reference the time stamp. I think this might clear up any questions and doubts you might have and solidify his feelings for you. I truly wish you two happiness.



I have to respectfully decline the new client’s request. In fact, I’m going to decline all requests going forward. Effective today, I officially resign from Cordial Companions Incorporated.

You said I would know when it was time to give this up, and you were right. Right now, I’m sitting on a boat in the Caribbean, off the coast of Curaçao, watching the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on swim with sea turtles. Occasionally, she glances at me, and I’m the recipient of her breathtaking smile. I can’t help but wonder how in the hell an angel such as her was put into my life, but I’m not going to do anything to have her taken away. She and I promised to take the relationship slow, but I’m failing miserably. I’m falling, and it’s happening fast. If I get my heart broken, then shame on me … but she’s worth going all in for.

Thank you for everything you did for me when I was in the worst time of my life. I’ll always consider you a close friend, and I will be here if you Copyright 2016 - 2024