Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,58

called you, I expected to be hung up on, which I would have deserved.”

“After we talked on the phone the other day and you told me your side of the story, it made me realize this is a big misunderstanding and that Mandy is to blame for a lot of this. I’m most concerned about Misha’s happiness, and obviously, you made her very happy. That’s all I want for my girl.” Drew thinks for a long minute before continuing, “What I’m about to tell you isn’t meant to make you feel any worse than you probably already do … but I haven’t seen Misha like this before. Not even when she and Noah broke up. She’s not okay, Jake.”

For the last few weeks, my mind has been running constantly, mostly wondering if she is happy and doing well. It’s wrong, and I’m a shitty person, but hearing she’s not doing well makes me hopeful. “In what context?”

“She’s not sleeping much. She denies it, but she looks exhausted. She naps during the day, but she stays awake most nights, baking. She hasn’t been eating normally, and I think this is the thinnest I’ve seen her in her adult life. Misha isn’t taking care of herself, and it shows. She’s depressed, and nothing I say or do makes smile. She said this hurts worse than the Noah breakup.”

It feels like I’ve been punched in the gut. “If she would just give me ten minutes to explain, neither of us would have to be this miserable.”

“Please do me a favor and don’t ruin this concert for her. It’s the only thing she’s actually been excited and happy about since everything happened between you two. My suggestion is to catch her after the show. Maybe she’ll be in a post-Bryson bliss and give you an opportunity to spill your guts.”

He’s right. I know how much she has been looking forward to the show, even before our breakup. The last thing I want to do is prevent her from having a good time.

“I won’t approach her until after the show.”

“Good.” Drew leans across the table slightly and narrows his eyes. “So, this escort gig you had going on … how was the pay? I’d be willing to be arm candy for a cougar if the cash was good.”

Fucking Drew.



“Get your ass moving, Mish! If your hottie of a brother eats all of the steak before I get there, I swear to God, I will cut him. Come on!”

Drew’s about to get punched in the dick.

Slipping on my flip-flops, I follow him out the door. “You poor, starving man. You’re practically wasting away to nothing.”

My parents invited Drew and me over to celebrate the opening of their pool. After the bitch of a winter we had, it feels nice to finally pack away my snow boots in exchange for my flip-flops. I’m looking forward to a summer of swimming and sun.

I pull my car keys out of my purse, but Drew runs over to Charlie.

“I’m driving. Get in.”

A whine escapes my lips. I hate riding in Charlie when it’s hot outside. Her air-conditioning is extinct, and not all of the car windows go down. However, I don’t feel much like fighting, so I oblige and allow Drew to drive his baby to my parents’.

When we arrive, Bentley is in the garage, inflating pool rafts. “The pool is open! Don’t attempt to fake drown today, Drew. I’m not saving your ass!” he calls out.

Drew’s face scrunches up. “Don’t drown today, Drew. I’m not saving your ass, Drew,” he mocks.

“Don’t be a sourpuss because my brother called you out. He knows your theatrics by now.”

Last summer, my parents hosted a Fourth of July barbeque for the family. Drew was swimming in the pool with Bentley, Ally, and Mandy while I helped Mom bring food out to the tables. One minute, everything was just peachy. The next, Bentley was pulling Drew’s limp body from the pool. My body was frozen in terror, and I dropped the entire tray of raw meat I had been taking out to Dad at the grill. Bentley was doing chest compressions and yelled for Mandy to call 911. Bentley bent down and pinched Drew’s nose as he tilted his head back. His mouth covered Drew’s, and all hell broke loose. Drew grabbed the back of my brother’s neck and held him against his mouth in an attempt to kiss him. Bentley pushed off of him and gagged.

Drew pulled a Squints Palledorous from The Sandlot Copyright 2016 - 2024