Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,54

For one, your girlfriend fucked up my relationship. I’d like to be the bigger person in the situation, but I’m not. My world has been shattered, and I’m not above ruining hers as well. And secondly, you have a right to know what she does for a living.”

Noah stares at the liquor bottle on the table and allows the living room to fill with silence. To be honest, I can’t blame him. I just burst through his door and dropped a fucking huge bomb on him.

Since my work here is done, I finish my drink and put the glass on the table beside his. “Thanks for the drink.”

My feet close the distance to the front door, and his voice stops me when my hand reaches the doorknob.

“You really love Misha, don’t you?”

My grip around the doorknob tightens at the throbbing my heart feels at the mention of her name. “Yeah.”

I can hear him stand and take a few steps, but I don’t turn around to face him. My gaze stays locked on the dark wooden door in front of me.

“Misha is one of the most understanding people I’ve ever met. If you can find a way to get her to listen to you and you actually didn’t completely screw her over, she’ll give you a second chance. But only do it if you want a future with her. Don’t fuck with her head and lead her on. She’s a good girl, one who doesn’t come along every day. I let her go because we grew apart; it wasn’t anything she did. She deserves the world, and if you’re capable of giving it to her, then you’d better fix this shit quick before someone else swoops in.”

I turn around and extend my hand. “Thank you for the advice.”

Noah looks at my hand and doesn’t move. “It wasn’t for you. It was for Misha. You just came into my house with the intention of fucking Mandy over, but you simultaneously did the same to me. I appreciate the heads-up, and I’ll probably thank you in the future for this … but right now, I really feel like punching you in your fucking face.”

“Understood.” With a nod, I’m out the door, and I run through heavy sheets of rain to my truck.

I sit in the cab of my truck for a few minutes, replaying Noah’s words in my head. I need to find a way to get Misha to listen to me, and there’s one person I know who can help me.



The last two weeks have been absolute torture. My mind is constantly spinning with questions about Jake, so I spend a majority of my time baking to keep me occupied. My deep freezers are filled to the brim, and that’s on top of my regular orders. The good news is, I’m ahead, but the bad news is, now that I’m ahead, I have extra time on my hands, which is something I don’t need.

Sleep hasn’t come easy, so I spend most of my nights baking until the dark sky gives way to pale pinks and oranges. Last night wasn’t any different, and after putting the finishing touches on a wedding cake that I’ll be delivering in a few hours, I sit in the living room and watch the sun rise and paint the morning canvas.

Drew opens my front door and shuffles his way into my living room. “What are you making me for breakfast?” He yawns loudly.

The thought of food makes my stomach churn. “The same thing I made you yesterday.”

If I wasn’t still so pissed at the world, I would actually think the confused look on his face was adorable.

“Huh? You didn’t make me anything yesterday.”


He rolls his eyes. “And I see today is not the day for you to get over yourself.”

“Screw you.”

He flops onto the empty saucer chair in the corner of the room. “Are you going to sit and mope all day?”

“I’m going to the farmers market this morning, and then I have a delivery to make. So, no, I’m not going to sit around all day.”

Silence fills the room. Drew is chewing his lip, which only means one thing: the wheels in his head are turning, and he is coming up with an idea. Most of which are usually terrible.

“Do you know if FDJ dates gay men?” he wonders out loud.


“FDJ—Fake Date Jake.”

I shoot him a look of disgust. “Are you kidding me right now? You’re insane.”

He shrugs, not affected in the least by my words. “Hey, Copyright 2016 - 2024