Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,51

me that.”

He shrugs. “I’ll keep telling you.”

I giggle and tuck my head under his neck. “I’m so lucky to have you, Jake.”

He kisses the top of my head and pulls me against him a little tighter. “I love you, Misha.”

I’ll never grow tired of hearing him say those words. “I love you.”

“Have you thought more about moving in?”

“I have,” I admit. “I’ll move in when my lease is up.”

“When’s that?”

“The end of September.”

He sighs. “Can I pay for you to break your lease?”

“No.” I can’t help but laugh. “It’s only four months, and I can start to move some things over in the meantime. Besides, I’ll be spending a lot of time at your place anyway, using that amazing kitchen.”

“I’d wait forever for you. You know that, right?”

I kiss him softly. “And I love you for it.”

Bentley walks up to Jake and me and hugs the both of us. “It’s nice to see my little sister so happy.”

“Thanks, Bent.” I laugh inside the awkward hug.

“No problem. Jake, can I borrow you for a few minutes? I need help carrying a gift in from my aunt.”

“Sure. Be right back.” Jake kisses me and follows Bentley out of the ballroom.

I decide to hit up the bar when one of my dad’s coworkers stops and hugs me.

“Misha! It is so good to see you!” Bethany Bowman is closer to my age than my father’s, but she is the executive assistant at Dad’s office.

“Bethany, I’m glad you could make it. How have you been?”

The short and petite redhead is classy and proper. “I’ve been wonderful. I just got promoted last week to the director’s office. Things are taking off. How about you? It seems like you and Jake have really hit it off.”

Just hearing his name gives me butterflies. “You know Jake?”

“Yes, he and I run in some of the same social circles.”

For a brief moment, I wonder if she’s friends with his ex-wife, but I push the thought away.

“Your dad tells me you vacationed in the Caribbean recently. Where did you go?”

“Jake and I went to Curaçao. It is absolutely gorgeous. You should look into going sometime.”

Bethany’s perfectly shaped eyebrows rise. “Wow … I bet that was pricey.”

“What? The trip to Curaçao? It wasn’t as bad as it could have been.”

Her face twists in confusion. “How so?”

What is so hard to understand? “My best friend is a travel agent and got an awesome deal.”

Bethany’s face relaxes. “Oh, you mean, the accommodations.”

Now, I’m the confused one. “Wait, what are you talking about?”

She discreetly looks around for listening ears. “You know …”

I shake my head. “I’m not following.”

She takes a step closer and lowers her voice. “You don’t have to play dumb with me, sweetie. I know Jake’s going rate. I hired him about a year ago.”

“Hired him for what?” I ask slowly.

“As my date for a company party. I had no one to go with, so I paid him for the evening.”

I let out a hard laugh. “You’re hysterical. Or delusional. Jake’s not an escort.”

Bethany puts her hand on my arm. “It’s okay. You don’t have to be ashamed. Lots of women down in the city hire dates for events. It’s hard to meet guys when you’re always working. Jake is quite the popular choice; he’s always booked up.”

Suddenly, it is like my mind is putting puzzle pieces together, and I am able to see an entire picture. He works mostly nights. He’s busy on most weekends.

I feel the color draining from my face.

“Misha, are you okay? It looks like you’re going to be sick.”

This isn’t true. It can’t be. Jake isn’t an escort. There’s no way he would take money in exchange for dates and …

“Oh God,” I gasp.

Bethany puts a hand over her mouth in realization. “I’m so sorry. You didn’t know.”

“No, she didn’t.”

Jake is standing behind Bethany, a look of sheer terror on his face.

“Is this true?” I whisper.

His jaw tightens, but he doesn’t deny it.

Oh no …

“We need to talk,” he says quietly.

Now, I’m really going to be sick.

“No. I need a minute.” Turning around, I calmly walk away from them to avoid bringing attention to myself. I find a side exit and push through the door, the chill of the night air soothing my hot skin.

My boyfriend is an escort.

A fucking escort.

This has to be a joke. Jake wouldn’t do that. He’s not the type of guy to screw a girl for money.

Not my Jake.

My stomach is tangled in knots, and I’m trying my best to keep from getting Copyright 2016 - 2024