Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,49

to get caught back up.”

“You promise, if I come in and see whatever it is you think is so fucking important, that you’ll take me right back?”

“I swear, sweetheart.”

She takes my hand and huffs in protest but follows me into the house. In my head, I imagined this so differently—putting my hands over her eyes until she reaches the kitchen, me lifting my hands away, and her squealing at the sight. Now, I’m straight-up afraid she’ll bite me if I try anything of the sort.

“Head into the kitchen,” I tell her.

She walks past me and rounds the corner into the kitchen, stopping dead in her tracks when she realizes everything has changed. From behind, I watch her slowly scan the new space, and I wish I could see her facial expression. We stand there for a few minutes in silence, and it’s killing me.

Misha turns to me, her hand over her mouth, and her eyes are rimmed red, full of tears. “Did you do this for me?” Her voice is thick with emotion.

Fuck, I’m nervous. I still can’t read her expression. This is either very good or really bad. “Yeah, I did. Well, Carrisa designed it, and contractors did the actual work, but I came up with the concept.”

She glances back at the kitchen, and a sob hiccups from her lips. “This is … absolutely perfect.”

In a flash, Misha’s in my arms and crying into my neck. Relief floods me, and I hug her tighter.

“So, you like it?”

She pulls away and wipes her cheeks with the back of her hands. “It’s gorgeous. This is pretty damn close to my dream kitchen. But why? This must have cost a fortune.”

I pick her up and sit her on the island. I walk in between her legs. “We’re both busy, making our dreams come true, and we don’t get to see each other often. My thought was, you could do all your baking here, so I could see you more. It’s really quite selfish of me.”

Tears are still falling from her eyes, but she’s smiling wide. “Jake, that is the sweetest, most selfish reason I’ve ever heard. I hope you realize I’m going to be here a lot now. You’ll probably end up getting sick of seeing me. This kitchen is, like, the mac daddy of kitchens. And the double oven is going to save me so much time!”

“I was counting on you being here more.” Reaching across the island, I grab the waiting coffee cup and hand it to her. “Here.”

She doesn’t look at it but frowns when she feels the lightness of the cup. “You know better than to mess with me and my coffee.”

“Just read your lid.”

She looks down at the writing and nearly drops the cup. We both grab it before it falls, and she reads the confession out loud, “I need you every day. Move in?”

I remove the lid off and take a set of house keys out of the cup. “Seeing you only once a week, if I’m lucky, is torture. Will you consider moving in?”

She takes the keys in her shaking hand. “I … wow. I just don’t know what to say. I guess I need time to think it over. Is that okay?”

With a tug of her hips, she’s flush against me.

“Of course that’s okay. The keys are for you anyway. Come and go as you like.”

Pink flushes her cheeks. “Seriously though, you really want me around all the time?”

“Every second that I can have you.”

She raises an eyebrow, jokingly questioning me, and we laugh together.

“Honest. I have the most amazing girlfriend in the world, and I want her around at all times. Besides, who else would make five different desserts and deliver them in nothing but lingerie?”

“You liked that, huh?”

“No. I fucking loved it.”



By the time Jake and I make it to Mom and Dad’s anniversary party, guests have already started to arrive. We are a little late due to traffic … or that is the excuse we are using.

Today, my parents have been married for forty years. Just as any other couple, they have had their share of highs and lows, but they have stuck together through everything life has thrown their way. I have complete admiration for their loyalty and commitment with one another. It’s not every day that a couple celebrates this milestone wedding anniversary.

Ally found this beautiful, historic, old mansion that is perfect for this event. Little decorating needed to be done, but the table settings are gorgeous. Elegant crystal Copyright 2016 - 2024