Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,47

into the icing and then into his mouth. He closes his eyes and hums in appreciation. “Your icing is phenomenal. But I think there is one way for it to taste better.”

He dips his finger into the icing again, but this time, he swirls the icing around each of my nipples.

His head lowers, and his hot mouth covers my hardened peak. I gasp and run my hands through his hair, but he stops me.

“Hands above your head. Now.”

I do as he said with a smile, and he licks my other nipple clean of icing.

“Yeah, I was right; it does taste better on you.”

He coats my lips with more icing, then he takes his time licking and kissing it off. It’s torturous pleasure, and my hips are rising from the bed for contact with any part of him.

Jake breaks the cupcake open, and the chocolate lava filling drips onto my stomach. “Hmm … wasteful.” He lowers himself, and his tongue presses against my belly.

My core is aching for attention. He takes the rest of the filling and drips it over my seam. His eyes meet mine, and a wicked smile is etched on his beautiful face.

“My girl is filthy. Better clean her up.”

His tongue follows the paths the dripping chocolate made, starting at the top of my mound. He slowly licks down one side, coming dangerously close to my slit before switching to the other side. I cry out in frustration, and I feel him smile against my leg.

He spreads my lips with his fingers and rubs his thumb around my clit. “More chocolate.”

He dips his head, and his tongue rolls through my folds and meets my clit. My toes curl, and I grip the comforter above my head.

“Yes, please. More,” I beg.

He doesn’t stop, but his pace is slow and appreciative. He’s taking his time, and the rhythm is delicious. He pushes a thick finger into me, followed by another, and hooks his fingers slightly to put pressure directly on my G-spot. The fire is building deep, and I know this is about to be earth-shattering. My hips are moving with his tongue, and just as I detonate, he removes his fingers and pushes himself into me. The intensity of the orgasm doubles, and a scream involuntarily escapes from my mouth.

“I love feeling you orgasm,” he says through gritted teeth. “So tight. Warm. I’m trying to hold back, so I can feel it longer … but it’s so hard.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him down to me and kiss him roughly. “Put my legs on your shoulders and fuck me hard. I want to feel you come deep inside me.”

His eyes instantly turn black. He takes no time in lifting my legs onto his shoulders and pushing me into the mattress. The veins in his neck are bulging, and I can tell he’s holding back.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“I’m perfect. Now, go.”

He pulls back and thrusts into me hard, both of us moaning into the silence of the room. His pace picks up, and I feel another orgasm building.

“Don’t stop. I’m going to come again,” I tell him.

He focuses on me, his eyes staring into mine intensely. “There it is. I can feel you … let go,” he says.

A few thrusts later, and I’m shattered, close to becoming limp. Jake’s pounding into me harder, and I can feel his cock twitching—his telltale sign of an impending orgasm.

“Come inside me, Jake. Fill me.”

He lifts my hips off the bed and comes hard, emptying himself deep within me.

“Goddamn it, Misha.” Jake’s gasping for air when he collapses on me.

My fingers softly run over his back, causing goose bumps to rise over his skin.

“I swear, woman, I’m going to marry you someday,” he mumbles into my neck.

I laugh at his post-coital claim. “You’re only saying that because you’re on a high right now.”

He lifts his head and looks down at me, something unrecognizable in his eyes. “It seems as if I haven’t learned my lesson from before because there’s nothing slow about what’s going on between us. It just feels … right.”

He was nervous to tell me that. To be honest, I’ve been feeling the same, but I’ve been scared to admit it.

“It does. I agree.”

“Good.” He kisses me chastely and then rolls out of bed. “I’m thirsty. Want something to drink?”

“Water would be great.”

He walks out of his bedroom, and I appreciate his naked backside until he’s out of sight. Without Jake’s hot body covering me, I’m suddenly cold, Copyright 2016 - 2024