Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,43

and follows Bentley into the living room.

Jake and I walk into the kitchen, where Mom and Ally are placing snacks in bowls. I put the pie on the counter and they look up from the food.

Ally gasps when she sees me. “Misha’s here!” She runs around the island and hugs me. “Oh my God, he’s gorgeous!” she whispers into my ear.

Mom squeals and runs straight to Jake. “Oh, it’s so nice to meet you, Jake! I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about you. Come here!”

Her short stature brings her head to his chest as her arms hug him around the waist. Jake is a good sport, hugging her back.

“Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Misha tells me you’re an excellent cook.”

Mom waves him off, blushing. Actually blushing. “Nonsense. It’s just a few things I’ve picked up over the years.”

Ally leans over to me. “I think your mom is flirting with your boyfriend. It’s cute … and a little uncomfortable.”

Mom finally notices me and holds her arms out. “Oh, Misha! Sweetheart, I’m so happy you’re here.” While she’s hugging me close to her, she whispers a little too loudly, “He’s so cute!!”

Ally, Jake, and I all laugh.

“I think so too, Mom,” I tell her. “So … is Mandy not coming?” I decide to ask.

“She’ll be here soon. She had to work.”

So much for Mandy not showing up.

She hands me a bowl of pretzels and a bowl of chips. “Do you mind taking these to the boys, honey? You can introduce Jake to your father.”

I take the bowls, and Jake follows me into the living room where Dad, Bentley, and Drew are watching baseball.

“Hey, Dad.”

Dad glances from the TV to Jake and then to me. “Hey, kiddo. Who do you have here?”

“This is Jake, my boyfriend.”

Jake shakes his hand. “Nice to meet you, sir.”

Dad raises his eyebrows. “Huh. Do you like baseball?”

Jake’s smile lights up his entire face. “I do.”

“Who’s your team?”

“The Bluebirds, of course,” Jake states proudly.

“Good answer. Sit down and watch the game. It’s only the third inning, but we’re winning. Jace Jackson hit a solo home run last inning, and Ryan Cruz’s pitching is spot-on tonight,” Dad responds.

Jake sits beside Drew on the opposite end of the sectional. “We have the team to win us the series again this year as long as they stay focused. We have the best pitching in the league, and our bats are on fire. Baseball is as much mental as it is physical.”

Dad glances at Jake, and I know that look; he’s impressed. Jake actually knows what he’s talking about, not just pretending like he watches the game to get Dad to like him.

“You’re right. I think that’s why they lost those two years in the play-offs. They got psyched out and choked. I was so relieved when they won last year. My heart couldn’t have taken another loss.” Dad grunts and then finishes his beer. “I’m going to grab another beer. You want one?”


“I want one,” Drew interjects.

Dad raises a brow at Drew. “Are your legs broken, boy?”

“His aren’t!” Drew argues.

“He’s a guest in my house,” Dad says.

Drew huffs, “And what am I?”

“You always keep coming back, and nobody knows why.” Dad laughs.

“Dad, be nice. I’ll grab you guys a round,” I offer and head to the kitchen. I pull three beer bottles from the fridge and pop the tops when I hear the front door open.

“Great,” I mumble under my breath.

Mom puts her arm around me. “Honey, I know it has to sting to see them together. It’s not worth spending time with the rest of your family though. I don’t agree with what Mandy has done, but that’s not my decision to make. I can’t tell her what’s right and wrong anymore. She’s an adult. But I want you to know that I’m proud of you and how you’re handling this. You’re the bigger person by coming here and facing it.”

“Jake helped convince me. He said I shouldn’t allow her to dictate my life. Family dinner is a tradition I look forward to, so if I don’t come to it, then she’s ultimately telling me what I can and can’t do. Jake’s definitely giving me more confidence to stand up for myself.”

Mom smiles. “I like him. I know I’ve spoken only a few words to him, but I can tell he’s a good man from what you’ve told me. I love that he’s encouraging you to be who you are. And he’s so handsome.”

We both laugh, and I take Copyright 2016 - 2024