Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,33

for you?”

With the moonlight illuminating the room, I’m barely able to make out his facial features, but I can see his dark eyes staring back into mine.

“With anyone else, probably. But not with you.”

His eyes land on my lips, and my heart rate spikes. Jake rises onto his elbows and softly presses his lips to mine, but he backs away too quickly for my liking.

“Good night, Misha.” He pulls me down and holds me tightly against his chest.

“Good night, Jake.”



I’ve been an early riser for as long as I can remember. My mother hated it when I was a child. She would beg me to go back to bed for another hour, but once my eyes were open, I was up. Usually, I’m up before the sun rises, and today is no different.

But what is different today is the way the day is starting. Brown hair is fanned across my chest, and sexy-as-sin legs are tangled with mine. This is definitely a new way to wake up. When I was with Tessa, she typically rolled on her side away from me when in bed. I never awoke to her head on my chest or her touching me in any way. This way of waking up is nice, and my hard-as-fuck erection agrees.

The sun’s glow is peeking out over the ocean’s edge, and as much as I’m enjoying the time in bed with Misha, I roll out of bed to go for a run.

The resort is a ghost town at this time of morning, and the only people I see are the resort employees setting up the beach chairs and the receptionist who checked us in yesterday at the front desk.

She waves from behind the desk. “Good morning. How is the honeymoon treating you so far?” She waves from behind the desk.

Honeymoon. Fucking Drew. “It’s wonderful. Thank you. The suite is magnificent.”

She smiles her toothy grin. “We love to hear it. Have you thought about any excursions while you’re here? Maybe surprise the Mrs.?”

“What type of excursions do you offer? Anything you recommend?”

She pulls a binder out from under the desk and flips to the middle. “We have everything from nature hikes to renting private yachts. Personally, my favorite to recommend is going out on a catamaran for snorkeling and lunch. This particular one guarantees sightings of sea turtles, or you get your money back.”

She hands me the brochure from her binder, and I already know Misha would love this before reviewing the information.

“When is the next available trip?”

“Today. The bus leaves at ten thirty.”

I slide the brochure across the counter. “Let’s do it.”

It’s almost nine before Misha is even vertical. I’ve already finished my run, showered, and gotten coffee for the pair of us. I’m on the balcony, checking my emails while I wait for her to come out and join me.

There is an email from Natasha for a request from a new client for next month. The client wants to book me for an entire week and then three nights a week for the remainder of the month. The money will be good, but that means less time at the coffeehouse.

And less time with Misha.

The closer I get to Misha, the more I’m torn about continuing to work for Natasha. The money is too good, and it’s needed to keep Carrisa in school … but I can’t take these women out if I’m going to be with Misha.

“Good morning,” Misha mumbles as she shuffles to the chair beside me.

“Mornin’. Here, I got you coffee.”

I hand her the cup, and she takes it with a brief, “Thanks.”

“I don’t snore,” Misha grumbles from her chair, which snaps me out of my thoughts.

“I’m sorry?”

“Your confession.”

She’s scowling at her coffee cup, and I can’t help but grin.

This morning, I wrote, Your snoring is cute.

“You do.”

She huffs and sips on her coffee. “Whatever. What a gentleman you are to point it out.”

Her grumpiness makes me chuckle. She’s definitely not a morning person.

“Damn, I’m going to call you Morning Monster.”

She’s practically stabbing me with her eyes. I decide to leave her alone for a few minutes to wake up and enjoy her coffee. It’s not long after that when she comes around.

“What do you want to do today?”

“I have a surprise. We need to be ready and downstairs to meet the shuttle at ten thirty.”

She perks up at the mention of a surprise. “A surprise? What time is it now?”

“A little after nine.”

“Do I need to bring anything or wear something particular?”

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