Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,3

five thousand dollars would help out with my sister’s college tuition.

Before I speak, I already regret my decision. “For the record, I still think this is a bad idea … but I’ll do it. You need to keep this shit quiet, and not a word gets back to Natasha, or both our asses will be fired. And if it blows up with your sister, you have to explain it, not me.”

Mandy excitedly bounces in her chair, clapping her hands together. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this favor.”

“No, this isn’t a favor. It’s business. Two dates, five grand. This is a one-time deal. Don’t expect me to do anything like this again. My work clients come first. We’ll fit this into my schedule. I will not rearrange for your convenience.” The firmness in my voice is harsher than I intended; however, I need to get my point across.

We’re coworkers, not friends. I’m not doing her any favors. This is strictly business, and I refuse to put my ass on the line.

“Understood.” She grows serious quickly. “I have an idea for the first date.”

Of course she does.

I rub a hand over my tired face and sigh. “Let’s hear it.”



Winter along the East Coast is no joke. Old Man Winter is grumpier than usual this year, and today, he’s proving that even on Valentine’s Day, he shows no mercy. A usual February in Hagerstown, Maryland, brings temperatures ranging from the low twenties to mid-thirties. For the last few weeks, polar air has made its way into the mid-Atlantic, leaving us chilled to the bone with the highs averaging around five degrees during the day.

I’m counting down the days until my best friend, Drew, and I go to Curaçao, a small island in the Caribbean. Drew is a travel agent and found an awesome deal at work that we couldn’t pass up. In a few short weeks, we’ll be basking in the warmth just twelve degrees above the equator, and I can’t wait.

Tonight is my blind date with this Matt guy, who Mandy set me up with … on Valentine’s Day. She claims it was an oversight, that tonight’s the only night he’s off work. Frankly, I just want to get this date done and over with, so I can get her off my back about it.

The parking lot is empty when I arrive to Mama Java’s, the coffee house where Matt and I are meeting. It’s located in a strip mall; however, it looks like Mama Java’s is the only business still open for the evening. I’m a few minutes early, so I finish listening to the Fallen Shadows song playing on the radio.

Fallen Shadows is my favorite band, and Drew and I scored tickets to their sold-out show in Washington, DC, in July. The lead singer, Bryson Henderson, is God’s gift to women. Seriously, he’s that gorgeous. I’m not even sure if Drew likes their music. I think he’s mainly tagging along just to fangirl over Bryson.

Maybe a little part of me is too.

When the song is over, I turn off the engine to my SUV before I decide to shift into drive and go home instead of going through with this blind date. I sigh to myself, dreading the brutal cold I’m about to face by opening the door. Not only is it two degrees outside, according to the display on my dashboard, but the wind is blowing so freaking hard that the wind chill has dipped to negative ten.

I wrap the scarf hanging across my shoulders tightly around my face and neck, and then I pull my hat down further to cover any bit of skin, just leaving my eyes uncovered. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and carefully navigate across the ice and snow-packed parking lot to the coffee house. Not only am I greeted with the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee when I enter, but the roaring fireplace is also calling my name, so I stand in front of the flames to thaw out. It’s a solid two minutes before I’m ready to take my coat off and unbundle myself.

“To say it’s cold outside would be a definite understatement.”

My head turns in the direction of the husky voice from behind the counter. I notice the employee is the only person other than me occupying the small coffee house, and if I’m being honest, I’d be okay if he were Matt. Hot Coffee Shop Guy is extremely attractive with slicked-back brown locks, dark Copyright 2016 - 2024