Coddiwomple - S.E. Harmon Page 0,52

paused. “Since when does Foss get top billing around here?”

I would’ve loved to wipe that smug little smile off his face. “Unlike you Neanderthals, he’s interested in something that isn’t a hamburger,” I said with a sniff.

“Well, well, well.” He eyed me with interest. “I didn’t know it was like that.”

“It’s not like that”—I paused—“whatever that means.”

“You’re cooking for him,” he said gleefully. “That’s so adorable.”

“I am not,” I said hotly. “You’re lucky I can’t find a wooden spoon.”

“Hey, Laura, come in here,” he called out. “Journey’s got a crush, and it’s so adorable it freakin’ hurts to watch.”

Laura hustled into the kitchen and she wasn’t alone. Mindy practically hip-checked her out of the way like a championship hockey player, trying to get to me first. Oh God, I’m gonna be in the newsletter, was my last thought before they mobbed me with questions. I did my best to fend them off, insisting that Cam and I were not getting back together again.

Cameron had made his position on that issue clear, so despite what they seemed to think, I wasn’t lying. And so what if I was starting to wish that we were getting back together? I stirred my soup vigorously. No one asked me about all that.

Chapter 14


I generally prided myself on doing the right thing, but lately, I’d been trouncing all over that policy. I couldn’t seem to stay away from Journey. Our nightly walks had continued. We’d also taken to meeting in the mornings for coffee. He’d started bringing me some of his culinary creations for lunch, which, despite what his family seemed to think, were pretty amazing.

I lingered near the front desk in the clinic, pretending to look over the chart of the patient who’d just left. Bailey glanced up at me with a puzzled smile. I mentally projected the idea of her being very, very thirsty. Coffee, I tried beaming her way. You need coffee now. She scratched her ear and went back to typing.

I huffed. There was no avoiding it—Journey was coming by in a few minutes to deliver me lunch, and she was going to witness it. I had no chance of playing it cool. Every time I had a conversation with him, I turned into a teenager trying to talk to a crush. My version of EL James’ book would be Fifty Shades of What the Hell is Wrong With Him?

As if I’d conjured Journey up, the door opened and he came in, his little dog under his arm. He was wearing some distressed jeans and a gray T-shirt, his hair a little messy as usual and falling in his face. My fingers itched to touch, and I gripped the clipboard reflexively.

He greeted Bailey and me, and at the sound of his voice, Kona came bounding out of the back like her best friend had come calling. He laughed as she barreled into his legs. His smile was pretty much the thing I’d been waiting for all day and I hadn’t even known it. He leaned down to pet Kona, who soaked up the attention.

“He’s not here for you,” I informed her as he rubbed her ears.

He laughed and held out a Tupperware container. “As promised. Let me know if you like it. The family won’t touch it, so I have plenty.”

“They don’t know what they’re missing.” My stomach rumbled as I took the container eagerly. It smelled strongly of garlic and spices. “This is great, thank you.”

“What is it?” Bailey asked curiously.

“An Ecuadorian stew. Seco de chivo.” At her blank look, he clarified, “It’s not quite the same because I didn’t have any goat, but I made do.”

I was willing to try pretty much anything he put in front of me, but I had to admit, I was exceedingly glad he couldn’t get his hands on any goat. “I can’t wait to try it,” I said as I checked the clock on the wall. Damn. I was disappointed to find I was still a few hours away from lunch.

“It’s nice of you to stop by,” Bailey said. “Again.”

“I was in the area,” he said, stumbling a little as Kona tried to wind through his legs. She often forgot that she was closer to wolf than cat on the species scale. “The place my father goes to for OT is right down the street.”

I could feel Bailey’s eyes on me, and I wished her into the cornfield. Not forever. Just for the next hour or so, or until she forgot about whatever Copyright 2016 - 2024