Cocky Earl - Annabelle Anders Page 0,63

won’t do anything without talking to me first.”

“Will you meet with Lady Felicity? I know you said that nothing was official between the two of you, but I hate to think that she’ll be hurt by all of this. What if she’s in love with you?”

Jules’ gaze didn’t waver from hers. “She might be a little disappointed, but Felicity is most assuredly not in love with me.”

Relief filled her chest, loosening her limbs. But…“How do you know that?”

“Trust me, I know when a lady is interested in me.” Damn that cocky grin. But then he just as quickly grew serious again. “But if it will make you feel better, I will make a point to speak with her as soon as possible.”

“You will tell her about the bet and that it is all pretend?” If he agreed with her on this then Charley could perhaps rein in the emotions threatening to change everything.

Very slowly, he shook his head. “The wager is inconsequential at this point and there’s no need for anyone to know it ever even existed. I will tell her I intend to marry you. The same as I am going to tell my mother.”

His confidence almost had her believing it.

A thumping sounded behind her, louder this time.

“Until tomorrow, then.” She expected him to bow and take his leave, but instead, he moved swiftly, catching her up against him, and capturing her mouth with his.

Her mouth opened, requiring no coaxing or asking. She stifled a moan as his tongue tangled with hers. She was indeed going to have to make a whiskey to name after this—after him.

And then the kiss ended just as abruptly.

“Until tomorrow.” He gently pushed her inside and closed the door himself.

Chaotic need stole her wits leaving her standing inside her chamber almost forgetting who she was. What was happening?

“I take it that wasn’t the countess.”

Charley cried out a little when Daisy’s voice sounded behind her, but then she turned and winced as she stared back at her maid.

“No,” she agreed. “Most definitely not the countess.”

“That Crabtree woman ought to be the headmistress at some school for girls. I believe she’s missed her calling.”

“Or a warden at Newgate,” Jules suggested, glancing sideways at Mantis from where he sat atop his mount. All five of them had risen with the sun and had been riding all out for as long as the horses could safely do so. Now that they’d come to a halt, he expected to endure some ribbing for the night before.

“Wasn’t sure we ought to come to your rescue,” Chase leaned forward to adjust his seat. “Figured you’d fulfill the terms of the wager easily enough if you were caught. She couldn’t exactly refuse you if she’d been compromised.”

Last night had not been the first time they’d had to rescue one of their gang from a determined chaperone or mother. Normally, however, it was to prevent any of them from taking on an unwanted lifelong leg shackle.

But Jules would not compromise Charley into marriage. He’d have her shackled to him willingly.

It was only a matter of time.

“I’m glad you did,” he responded.

“What of Lord Brightly?” It was Greys, of course, who would suggest yet another conversation Jules needed to have. “Best clear matters with him before he suspects something.”

Stone soothed his horse as it pranced to the side but then caught Jules’ eye. “I’m inclined to agree with Greys. Brightly not only alluded to your two families uniting in marriage but commented several times that he’d become impatient for the announcement.”

Jules tightened his jaw, but then forced himself to relax, knowing Hercules would absorb his stress through his seat. He’d initially accepted the bet believing there was no way he could lose. But had he already been hoping for a way out of everyone’s expectations? It wasn’t that he didn’t care for Felicity. She was pretty and kind and sweet. He cared for her a great deal and had hoped that over the years his feelings might change as both of them grew older.

They hadn’t. She was too much like a sister to him.

Jules recalled a few of the comments Brightly had made to him recently regarding meeting together to discuss important matters. The earl was growing impatient and Jules had known this moment was coming.

Thank God he hadn’t signed anything yet, or even agreed verbally to their understanding.

Feeling an urgency to tie up these complications so that he could openly court Charley, he turned his horse back toward the manner. “Now is as Copyright 2016 - 2024