Cocky Earl - Annabelle Anders Page 0,100

out whenever hosting a ball and this evening was no exception. All manner of gentlefolk from the surrounding shire would have been invited in addition to the house party guests, promising nothing less than a crush. Servants had been rushing from the ballroom to the kitchens since sunup in preparation for the anticipated event.

Jules rolled his shoulders in a vain attempt to relieve the tension building in them. He’d done as she’d asked. He’d told Brightly he’d abide by the contract. The sick feeling he had was not from the night before. It was caused by the knowledge that he might very well have sealed his own destiny.

Lord Brightly had wanted to announce the engagement before the supper dance but Jules said he could hardly do that without speaking to Felicity herself. In a compromise, Jules was to lead Felicity out in the first dance. Her father also reserved Jules the supper dance for his daughter. Reserving two sets with her was essentially tantamount to an official engagement.

What if Charley’s plan failed? Jules tugged at his cravat and popped each joint on his left hand one by one. What if she’d changed her mind and was using this as a way to escape her own promise?

A bead of sweat trickled uncomfortably down his back.

She’d told him she wanted to marry him.

She’d asked him to trust her.

This time, when he thrust the cue, the ball jumped up and went flying across the room and had Greys not just come strolling through the door and caught it, the ball would have struck the door soundly.

“Your mother asked that I remind you that your presence is required for the reception line.” Greys strolled across the room and placed the ball on the felt. “And not to forget that you are leading Lady Felicity in the first dance.” Something in the manner Greys moved alerted Jules that dancing with Felicity was his part to play in Charley’s plan.

She’d told him that he could not win, that only she could. What the hell had she meant by that?

Jules straightened his jacket and nodded. If he was going to ‘lose’ tonight—for Charley—then he was going to do so convincingly.

“And once you’ve finished dancing with your fiancée.” Mantis smirked. “Join us in the card room, won’t you?”

Hairs on the back of Jules’ neck stood up upon hearing these words.

He raised his brows but didn’t bother asking any questions. Taking one last moment, he removed the flask Charley had given him from his pocket and threw back the last drops of her whiskey. The flavor reminded him of her.

It was sweet, strong, and unapologetically American.

“My mother asked that Mrs. Crabtree chaperone Tabetha this evening.” Bethany arrived at Charley’s chamber wearing a buttery muslin gown with an ivory lace overlay, her dark hair pinned up in braided pinwheels. “My sister fails to comprehend that not all men can be trusted.”

“How pretty you look!” Charley couldn’t help but exclaim despite her nervousness. The ball would be close to getting underway and she had little time to change into her own gown. With Mrs. Crabtree sitting in her chamber so vigilantly, Charley could hardly dress to attend a ball to which she had been banned.

Groaning a little as she rose from her chair, Mrs. Crabtree frowned. “She didn’t mention anything to me.”

Bethany raised one lofty brow. “My mother hardly has time to deliver all of her instructions personally.” She very much resembled the countess in that moment, and Charley had to cover her mouth to keep from smiling at the thought. “She asked that you wait inside the ballroom until Tabby is announced. Honestly, my sister is far too flirtatious for her own good.”

“But what of Miss Jackson?” Mrs. Crabtree lowered her voice as though by doing so, Charley wouldn’t hear her skepticism.

“Miss Jackson, you have no intention of making any trouble, do you?” A dimple appeared in Bethany’s left cheek—the only indication that she was biting back her smile.

Charley widened her eyes innocently and adamantly shook her head. “I was actually thinking of retiring early. If my father arrives tomorrow, he’ll want to leave straightaway for London.”

The woman gave her a hard look before smoothing her skirts. “Very well. But I will need to change first. Advise her ladyship that I’ll be there shortly and will attach myself to Lady Tabetha the instant she steps into the ballroom.”

Charley almost felt sorry for the younger girl. If anyone could rein the lovely blonde in, it would be Mrs. Crabtree.

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