Cobb (Lighthouse Security Investigations #9) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,46

to the front of the building and snapped several pictures. The area was sparsely populated, and he walked to the door, cupping his hands around his face to peer inside. Wanting to check out the back, he jogged to the end of the street and down to the alley that ran behind the building. A small store was on one corner, a laundromat on the other, but most of the other buildings were uninhabited. Making it to the back of the office where the lawyer was supposed to be housed, he pulled out a pair of gloves from his pocket and snapped them onto his hands. Reaching back into his pocket, he retrieved a set of tools, and quickly entered the back door. There were a few rooms including a small bathroom and kitchenette, all empty. As he made his way toward the front, he could see the building had been deserted for a long time. A thick coat of dust was on the floor, having not been disturbed in recent years from the placement of furniture.

Retreating the way he came, he quickly entered each office and workroom, scanning the area and looking into the closets. The bathroom contained nothing more than a toilet and sink. The kitchenette included a counter with upper and lower cabinets. Bending, he opened the lower cabinets, finding them empty. Glad for his height, he opened the upper cabinets, carefully checking them as well. Nothing. Whoever Carson Wright is, he certainly doesn’t use this building.

Not wanting to leave Josie sitting outside any longer, he went out the back and locked the door, pulling off his gloves and shoving them into his pants pocket. Hustling around to the front of the building, he clicked the lock on his SUV and climbed into the driver’s seat.

Josie’s eyes were bright, and her voice was full of interest. “Did you find anything?”

“I think you like the idea of investigating,” he laughed.

“I used to love reading mysteries and whodunits when I was younger. I hadn’t thought about it, but this is just like those books!”

“Well, the building is abandoned and has been for a long time. At least most of it. There’s dust everywhere, no footprints or signs that furniture has been moved. So, I’d say that the building has been empty for a while.”

He sneezed from the dust and she unzipped her bag, searching for a tissue. Pulling out a bottle of water, she handed it to him. “Here, this will help, but I know I have some tissues in here.”

She began pulling items from her bag as Cobb looked on after taking a swig of water to wash the dust from his throat. With raised brows, he watched in fascination as she continued to dig through the bag. A small, clear bag filled with cosmetics, a comb, and elastic headbands were placed on the dashboard. This was followed by a spiral notebook and a tablet.

“You write in a notebook and on a tablet?”

Her hand halted as her head swung around to hold his gaze. “Yes. Some of my clients are very tech-savvy and don’t mind the tablet. But others are nervous when I use it and they seem more at ease with pen and paper.”

He smiled and leaned over, granting her a kiss. “Should have known you’d have a care for all their needs.”

He meant to keep the kiss light, but it was the heat of the electricity between them that seared straight through him. He said nothing, not trusting his voice. Her pupils dilated, as lust flared between them. Both moved at the same time, leaning toward each other, his hand cupping the back of her head as her hands clutched his jaws. Lips met, tongues tangled, and teeth clashed in a messy kiss, one that stole his breath as he angled her head to plunge his tongue deeper.

Laughter from outside cut through the haze and they jerked apart, his chest heaving as he dragged oxygen into his lungs, glad to see she was just as affected. A glance to the side gave evidence that the pedestrians had passed on by. Giving her another kiss, this one open-mouthed but fast, he leaned back. He had considered checking out El Paso a little more, but after that kiss, he wanted nothing more than to be alone with her.

She swallowed deeply and her hand shook slightly as she re-buckled her seatbelt. “Wow.”

Chuckling, he agreed as he started the vehicle, then turned back to her. “You ready to head home?”

“Yeah,” Copyright 2016 - 2024